Baking~ Jordan

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"Okay, so we need eggs, milk, sugar, um..."

"Wait, we kind of frosting!? Chocolate? Vanilla?"

"Food coloring? No, we don't need that"

Jordan was reading off the list as you threw things into your cart at the store. You were bored and wanted to make something, but since you had no ingredients, you had to go to the store and get stuff.

"That's the last thing! Let's go pay"

After checking out and loading everything into car, you drove home, and then brought everything in, setting it up on the kitchen counter.

You brushed any hair out of your face as Jordan rolled his sleeves up and grabbed the ingredients.

Everything started off good, you were actually doing well on it. Jordan was dancing around the kitchen with you as you both baked, music blasting from the speaker.

You had just put the bowl down when you were suddenly covered in white powder.


"Oh- did I accidentally dump that on you?"

He slowly turned and walked over to the counter, playing it off as if it was a complete accident. He playfully gasped when he felt an egg smashed onto his head.


"Oh no! Did that hit you? My bad"

He narrowed his eyes slightly before rushing over to you. Before you knew it, a full on food fight had broken out.

When it finished, the floor was covered in flour, eggs, some milk on the counter and you both were a mess.

"We- we should've finished the baking first"

Jordan nodded and grabbed your head, leading you over to where the bowl was. You both finished making the dough and filled the pan before placing it in the oven (of course you washed your hands before doing all this).

"God I need an hour long shower now"

"Correction, we're going to be taking an hour long shower"

He smirked as he saw your face turn red at his sentence.

In the end, you guys made a pretty good dessert.

Word Count: 336

𝐉𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬{✔️}Where stories live. Discover now