Wedding Vows~Jordan

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You heard the sweet, slow, melody of Here Comes The Bride begin to play on the piano. It was time to walk the down aisle. In just a few short minutes, you'd be officially married to the love of your life, Jordan Fisher. You fixed your dress one last time before linking arms with your dad (you may change the relative walking you down the aisle if you want). You smiled at him, him returning the smile, and then you went off the down the aisle. Your eyes met Jordan's, his face lit up, his eyes glossed over and you saw him wipe away a few tears. Your heart swelled with every single step you took. You went to your spot, passing your flowers to one of your bridesmaids.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate a new chapter in the lives of Y/N and Jordan"

~A few minutes later~

"Ok, now Y/n, say your vows"

"Jordan, maybe it's true when they say that we meet the wrong people before finally finding the one. Because that's exactly what happened with us. I found you and being with you, was like floating on air. Never have I ever felt any other way than happy when I'm with you. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."

Jordan squeezed your hands a little, smiling at you. But, you quickly started to have second thoughts. Why does he want to be? I'm not good enough....

"Wait....Jordan? Why...why me? I'm not pretty, I'm not skinny, I don't look like the other girls out there. Most girls wear clothes that show a lot, or dresses, I wear t-shirts and sweatpants, they do their hair up in cute styles, the most I've done with it is dye the tips. Why are you picking me? I just feel like I'm not enough for you, I-"

Jordan put a finger to your lips, shushing you.

"Y/n, you are everything I could have asked for. You make me smile everyday. I think you are the most beautiful girl in the world. I don't care if the other girls wear dresses and show off, I like your T-shirts and sweatpants, especially when their mine. I don't care if other girls do styles with their hair, you could leave yours up in a messy bun or not even comb it from waking up, and you would still be the most beautiful girl ever. You aren't fat, you also aren't a dry piece of dry pasta, you are just the right size, and I don't want you to change that, okay? Because your size, is beautiful. Your smile, beautiful. Your looks, absolutely stunning. I picked you, because of all this. I don't want any other girl, because all those girls you described, aren't you. Their all the same, I only want you. I love you so much, and I will do everything I can, to prove that everyday."

You heard people aww throughout the crowd, but your main focus was on him.

"I love you too"

"Jordan, do you take this women, to be your lawfully wedded wife, and agree to love, hold, and support her, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"Y/n, do you take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband, and agree to love, hold, and support him, for as long as you both shall live?"

"I do"

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife! You may kiss the bride"

Jordan's arms wrapped around you, before he dipped you and kissed you passionately.

~At the party, after the wedding~

Everyone was chatting and dancing, just having a good time. You were outside, sitting on a bench near the doors.

"I thought I'd find you here"

You looked up to see Jordan sitting down next to you.

"Took you long enough"

He smiled and leaned back, you doing the same.

"You know, I meant everything I said today"

"I know you did"

You looked at him and smiled before taking his hand and standing up. He picked you up, spinning you around before setting you back on the ground. He pulled your face closer to his, and attached his lips to yours.


A/N: First imagine has been written!

This was a request from deargodimschnapped
I hope you liked it! ♡♡

Word Count: 731

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