The Haunted House ~ Jordan

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Every neighborhood has that one house

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Every neighborhood has that one house. You know the one you see and wonder who/what is in there. You wonder why it's empty, or why it looks so run down, and much more.

Well, you decided that you were going to go and explore it! You heard rumours of it being haunted, some said they saw a women in the window at night. You were very excited.

Jordan, of course, was dragged in to going with you even though he really didn't want to go. He'd much rather stay home and watch some scary movie then live it.

"Cmon please? It'll be fun!"

"Y/nnn I don't know..."

"You don't have to go if you really don't want too, I won't force you"

"And have you go alone and get yourself injured, or worst, killed?! No way, hand me the flashlight"

And with that, you both set off outside and down the street to the house. The porch was suken in slightly and creaked under the weight of two people. You felt a cold breeze as the gates rattled and the door creaked open.


You whispered, pushing it open more and turning on a flash light of your own.

As you walked in more, you realized just how dirty it was, of course you weren't expecting it to be super clean but the cobwebs were gross.

Jordan flicked on a light and let out a relieved sigh and turned his flashlight off.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, this isn't bad"

You gave him a look remembering how he was freaking out ten minutes ago.

As you explored, you suddenly felt very cold, like the temperature was below zero and you felt pressure on you. You weren't feeling happy, just kinda dull.

With a small click you saw the lights go out.

"Hey, Jordan?"

You called out, looking around


"Did you turn out the lights?"


Your eyes widened as you walking out of the room,

"Well then we have a problem"

He appeared at your side and looked around

"Maybe it's just the wires? It is old"

"Jordan...i um, I checked and there are no wires.... I don't even know how the lights turned on"


The color drained from his face, and then you heard the stairs creek and saw a tall, dark figure standing there.


And with that, the two of you ran out the door, down the steps, and out of sight. You didn't dare speak until you knew you were safe in your house.


I know it's not really Halloween time but I got the idea and couldn't pass it up!

Word Count: 442

Published : 1/19/21

𝐉𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬{✔️}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora