Chapter 1

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Ferdinand's POV

"Mister Ferdinand..." I raised my left hand as a cue that I knew what had happened.

I raised my feet on the floor as I went to the clinic of this academy called the "Timawa Catalonan Academy."

"Principal, I was careless. I did not mean to cut my shoulder. My sword is just too heavy to lift." Andrew explained nervously.

"You know you might have died because of carelessness, don't you?" I replied calmly.

He nodded as a response while biting his thumbnail nervously.

I saw everything. It wasn't Andrew's fault. It's just Hanan is too strong for him, even with just a dagger.

I heaved a sigh. "Next time, don't let your guard down. It might have killed you in a real battle."

"Yes, sir." He gasps while still looking at the floor.

"How is she?" I asked as I saw the nurse.

She smiled, "She's fine and awake, sir."

The boy, Andrew, was already treated. Hence, I went directly to her bed.

She is now sitting on her bed. Silent and in deep thought. She did not even notice my arrival until I sat beside her.

"Father!" She exclaimed in surprise.

I grinned in response and hugged her tight. She is now on her sixteenth but still has no progress with her blood issue. She always faints whenever she sees blood.

"Hey, hey, hey! Old man, I am already becoming a lady, ya'know. Stop treating me like a child." She said with a wide grin as she parted from my hug.

"Really? You still look like a baby for me, princess." I said in my teasing tone. I smirked to tease her more, making her realize what she'd done for calling me an old man. I am still 37, though.

"That smirk, huh. Is that the price for calling you an old man? Geeze, are you really my father?" She snorted. Well, I guess she knew the pattern.

I grinned widely and replied, "Nope, not until you became my daughter."

She rolled her eyes as she admitted defeat. We are always like this. I am so close to her as she is close to mine. She is precious to me.

She heaved a sigh with a hint of sadness and disappointment in her eyes.

"So, I fainted—AGAIN." She groaned in disappointment.

"Really? I thought you were just exhausted, and you suddenly fell asleep." I said as I tried to throw jokes on that 'faint' thing to give her some 'positive vibe.'

"Seriously, old man? Throwing a party in the middle of the war?" She replied in disbelief.

I smiled. "Well, at least you did not die. That's all my concern. As long as you're with us, still breathing in the same air, then I'm good."

I paused for a while and then pointed to my wristwatch. "Hey lady, you're going to be late for your next class. No skipping and better give Andrew a massage. He's nervous cause the princess passed out." I started to head back to my office as I remembered, "Oh! I almost forgot. Go easy on him. Your knight is still injured."

I saw her eyes widen, and before she could throw the pillow she was holding, I retreated swiftly and went directly to my office.

I used my teleport magic to make my pace fast. This academy is huge, and my office is in the tower. Enough for me to see everything that is happening downstairs.

Sol Y LunaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora