Chapter 8

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Trina's POV

I heaved a sigh as I complained. "Do we really need to do this?"

"Yes. Remember what that woman's people did to our family." A female voice replied.

"But she is just a young child! How can we do it? We are not even sure if it was her. All I sensed was a human being. She is normal to me." I said.

"We have been suffering enough. Either we'll end this or watch the world be doomed."

I rolled my eyes at that thought and grunted. I retreated to bed. A night of good sleep is the best cure for an exhausting day.

I woke up in a devastated place. I stood up and turned around in a place where the aftermath of war took place.

I held my chest as I hardly breadth from the intense smoke and obscurant.

Everything was familiar to me. I swiftly scanned the area as a burnt house caught my eye.

"Papa! Mama!" I grunted in pain, realizing my body was not in good shape.

I covered my gut which was deeply punctured by a dagger.

Yes, a dagger! A deadly and poisonous one that a trusted friend of mine once held.

Feeling the agony of pain in my body and heart as I was betrayed. I screamed in defeat and revenge!

"I will find you Kaloíthis Aquinas and Elias Suites! >>Voy a matartzhe<<!(a revenge spell for someone's death)"

I panted in grief as I saw the motionless body of my parents. Blood was everywhere.

Everything went blurry as I tried to reach my mother's hand, and everything became dark.

I gasped as I opened my eyes. I could feel my eyes shimmers in the dark because of my emotions. The shimmering golden eyes are now visible in front of the mirror.

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