Chapter 7

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Hanan's POV
I know she is approaching my direction but I did not realize that she is beside me until...

I gasped as I looked at the person who is standing next to me.

"Can I take the seat next to you?" She asked.
I lost my strength and was too lazy to tell her that the seat is occupied by Andrew. Though I know he won't come and will never come since this is history. No one in this class, except Andrew and obviously her, ever dared to sit next to me.

Don't judge me. I am not a loner, in fact, I've got a couple of friends named, Lancelot, Freya, the Helsings,  Guanchango, Mayari, and Andrew.

I am soaking wet from my sweat. I nodded.
Weird things, weird feelings, and mixed emotions happened in my life today. What is happening to me? Am I sick?

I looked at the transferee beside me. I just recovered from an uneasy feeling when she came to me.
"Lunaria." I widened my eyes in shock. I am certain I heard that name somewhere, but I couldn't remember.

"Did you just call me Lunaria?" I asked vaguely.

She smiled when she looked at me.

"Uhm, hi? Your name is... Lunaria?" She asks with hesitation. "Nice meeting you Lunaria, I'm Trina..." she added.

I blinked my eyes at the fact that she looked puzzled and surprised by my sudden question.

"I'm sorry. Actually, my name is Hanan." I rolled my eyes in a shy manner. "I just thought you called me by that name, Lunaria." I awkwardly smiled.

"No, it's fine." She replied with a smile.

"You did not call me Lunaria? I just thought you did— I mean, I'm sorry. I'm just a little occupied right now, so yeah. You know..." I said as I tried to explain my awkward questions.

"No worries. I just think you heard it from Miss Magdalene. She is discussing Lunaria." She grinned.

I scoff as I realized, I really am getting awkward. It is funny that I mixed reality with my lavish memory of those glamorous glowing eyes.

A part of me is certain that I really heard her say it, however, the evidence hardly objects to my thought.

I sighed in disbelief when I read the words that is written on the board.

"Lunaria, it is indeed the discussion of the day!" I said as I tried to joke around and tried to break the ambiance of being awkward to Trina.

Trina laughed as she took the hint of me breaking the gap.

"So, Trina, is it? Where are you from and from what family are you?" I absentmindedly asked.

I could see her surprised expression in a blink of an eye then changed into a gentle and friendly smile.

"Well, my parents... my parents are just normal hunters. One day they hunted the creatures and never came back!" She slyly smiled as she lower her head.

"They always think I am special." She sighed, " And yet, HERE I AM." She looked at me with a wide grin.

I thought it is me being distracted by thinking about those glowing eyes, but later I realized... it wasn't it that made me ask kinds of stuff out of nowhere nor making me awkwardly nervous while talking to her, it is her exquisite smile.

Her gentle smile gives comfort, and her golden brown hair, rosy cheeks, and her lovely—mesmerizing green eyes fit perfectly to her skin tone and face.

She looks like a goddess.

I got back to reality when she waved at me.

"Are you okay? I think you're spacing out." She said in amusement.

I gulped and blinked at her sudden actions.

"Y—yes. Like what I've said I'm a little bit occupied." *clears throat*

"Okay." She replied.

We both looked back at the front and decided to listen to the discussion.

"Lunaria was the moon princess that blesses night walkers to obtain such magnificent power. We all know that humans and other creatures were once united but because of the other creatures' greed and jealousy, they began to hate us humans and we become their prey."
Miss Magdalene said.

This is history class, and yes Andrew is not around. Why? Uh-uh... it's not what you're thinking.

He did not skip class this time, instead, he took the challenge of doing all the punishment in just a day.

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