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Above image: when you copy someone's avatar cuz it looks drippy then you both get impostor


This conclusion is... Incorrect. Miguel is Neutral.

"I don't want to have to do this..." Miguel murmurs.

Miguel's role is Clown.

"Sorry. I apologize to the person I plan to kill. But I have to." Miguel said. Then, the lights flickered, and he disappeared.

"Wow..." Thiago mutters. "I can't believe it..." Tamia says. Just then Alab starts to walk off. "Wait, where are you going?" Arielle asks him. "I'm going to go explore for maybe something that can make the lantern work." Alab responds and proceeds to walk out of the room.

"Nave, can you come with me a second?" Cactus asks me. He pulls me away from the group towards a different private room.

"I think that Thiago may be evil." Cactus tells me. "But he's been hanging out with Tamia the whole time, and she was attacked!" I say in a surprised tone of voice. "Though, they could be linked by the Cupid, Seungho." Cactus theorizes.

Flick... Flick...

I walk around trying my best not to run into anything. Of course, I run into the hospital bed in the room to the left of the stairs. It seems Cactus, from what I hear, is doing a lot better avoiding things. Almost as if he has night vision.


Er... I may go for one of the new people again. I think they're onto me. I'll risk something risky maybe... no. Next turn. I don't see me surviving much longer so if I get the doctor out that wouldn't be my fault. I'll kill Arielle. Make sure she doesn't see me, though. In case she is doctor and helping good team and happens to heal herself. For good measures, I put a mask and a black hoodie on.

I've just figured out the witch and on my way to kill Arielle, they wink at me, and then point to a person. I assume that's the person they witched. Alright, I'll kill Arielle now.

She's with Aphrodite in the solitary confinement room. They're chatting with each other, I can't really hear more than one word per sentence, but I look at Aphrodite open her mouth through the one-sided window and she says "Bathroom".

Perfect. I hide right in the room next to there where I choked Zahrah. Was this really worth it? Should I finish this? All of my friends I've either killed or they've been voted off... they're all gone... should I keep this up?

Yes! Of course you should, [Insertkillernamehere]! You've started something you can't finish! Don't let your older brother Trey down! He would want me to continue this! Aphrodite walks past the room as I'm thinking. Good. Coast clear. I walk over to solitary confinement.

As soon as I walk in, she already knows due to my obvious murder disguise. I immediately pull out my spare knife, since my other knife clearly isn't as sharp as this one, and not even close to how sharp my little brother Dvir's knife was. The medic couldn't even stop that knife. Unfortunately, it was so sharp it broke after a single kill.

I swing the smaller but sharper knife around for extra effect for T.V, since this is being recorded on camera, then I stab it into the wall to test it. It's a good knife. I walk over to Arielle slowly and she backs away very quickly, then she hits the wall.

I'm about to stab my knife right into her flesh, when this... green beam-like thing comes straight out of her body. The force of it happens to be really strong, and it pushes me back out of the room. Like I mean it happened to randomly send me out of the door. I hear a notification noise on my phone and I turn on my phone

The downfall.. (Part 2) (Flicker Roblox FanFic) (kinda on hold not rly tho)Where stories live. Discover now