"I suppose an introduction is in order," he stated as the old man gave off a suspicious and serious look on his face. "I cannot reveal my True Name right now but you can call me Caster if you like," he called himself to the regal old man as he was still suspicious on his behavior. Nonetheless, it was his turn to introduce himself.

"I am Kischur Zelretch Shweinorg. But you can call me Zelretch for short. I am the one that controls the Kaleidoscope of the worlds," he introduced himself to Caster.

"It is a pleasure to meet you guardian of the Kaleidoscope. I couldn't help but overhear what you said about what's his name... Ritsuka Fujimaru am I correct," Caster recalled the problem that the old man when he arrived.

"What is it that you want with him," Zelretch kept his serious look on Caster and readied himself to fight against an unknown opponent.

"I have no means to fight him or you. All I wanted was to grant your wish and solve your problem," Caster offered as the Wizard Marshall still kept his guard up.

"I will reveal my True Name once the time is right but for now," he handed a list to the old man as he begin to read through it. "Can you gather these people for me while I prepare my arrangements for yourself and for them," he asked as he disappeared into Spirit Mode.

"Tsk, of all things that I have been given. A chore is something I do not want to do," Zelretch grumbled in annoyance as he looked at the list again to see who he needs to deliver. (A/N: It is the list on top.) "I hate to say this but this Caster is probably more organized than I am," the old man mumbled to himself to make sure he wasn't being heard before disappearing to find his first batch of characters.


In Fuyuki City 2004...

"Hey Emiya-kun," a teenage girl with black haired-pigtails wearing a red shirt over her black skirt walked over to the boy with rusted-like hair and copper eyes.

"Oh Rin! Is there something that you need," Shirou Emiya said as he was in the middle of cooking food for Saber and Rin.

"By the way, what we start doing now since we are teamed up," she asked the boy who was wondering what he should be doing right now since he has entered the Holy Grail War.

"Shirou. We should make sure that no one is spying on us or staging an ambush," Saber seriously stated as she wore Rin's old household clothes.

"Don't worry I sent Archer to keep on a lookout while we chat," Rin explained until a delightful aroma filled the nostrils of both women as they knew what that mean.

"Foods ready everyone," Shirou called out as he was finished cooking their dinner. As they begin to sit down, they were suddenly greeted by an old man who somehow got into the house unnoticed.

"Shirou get behind me," Saber called to her Master as she materialized her armor and went into stance while Rin pulled out her gems to call forth Archer who immediately came after her short outburst.

"YOU," Archer growled at the old man who was still casually sitting there eating Shirou's dinner.

"I have to say this is delicious. This is nothing like I had for a longest of time. You are truly an amazing cook Mr. Emiya Shirou," the old man complimented the boy who was unsure what to say. "Archer my old friend how have you been doing lately," he smiled at the Archer who growled in dismay after seeing how he still act the same way he is. Yet, a few questions hit him, how is he here and why is he here?

"Still the same as ever I see. Anyways, I am going take you on a magical journey and my friend on the other side will explain what is going on as I round up the others," he quickly explained as he pulled out his sword which got Rin's eyes to widen in surprised before they were quickly taken out of the manor.

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