My Apologies

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(A/N: I know you guys are expecting me to update this story for a while now and others believed that I am dead. Truth be told, I'm not if you see it on my conversation tab in my profile. I've been thinking about it lately and I know that you guys are wanting to see more of this beautiful fanfiction.)

(Yet, that is not why I am here. The reason why I am here is because I wanted to say I'm sorry to make you guys wait this long. Every time I found myself an opportunity to make a chapter, life would always come and tell me to do something way more important than this.)

(On July 1, which was my Birthday, signaled me that I must prepare myself for the future and that I would spend less time in doing things I wanted to do. College will start very soon for me and I haven't applied yet but also I am currently learning how to drive a car, which is embarrassing.)

(Life would not always give you gifts and miracles. Sometimes it comes and goes, and it would sometimes leave obstacles that you must overcome later in the future. I will tell you this, we all will have to overcome these challenges and that most of us will have to take it if we want to keep going further.)

(So now, I will say this one more time if you want to hear it loudly from me. I am sorry that I kept you guys waiting this long and felt that I gave up on this fanfiction.)

(As in for apologies and for the Fate/Grand Order 6th Anniversary, I shall present to you this:)


In the empty black void, a spotlight overhead shined brightly at the center of it as a familiar Servant appeared at its middle.

"Hello everyone" Caster of the Amphitheater spoke out to you. Instead of his usual attire, he was wearing a brown tuxedo with a white shirt accompanied by black pants and shiny black shoes along with replacing his French hat to a Bowler hat. He then bowed his head before rising it back up. "I know what you are here for and I appreciate it."

"Even though this fanfiction is somewhat of a prototype, you helped me and the author get this far and supported us your views and comments" he smiled as he continued on. "Yet, that is not why I am here."

"You see, you may have noticed that progress have been going very slowly for Septem Part 3 along with this fanfiction entirely" he frowned as he walked the empty void as the spotlight followed him. "Author-san knows that he may not continue any further despite his current conundrum but he still insist on carrying on. Although he is still young, he still hoping that you guys are happy in reading this so that he could smile."

"Upon you guys first reading this fanfiction, I was happy that I was created by the author to help create mystery and entertain you guys along with the guest at hand" he lightly chuckled as he looked at you again. "You guys have waited this long into helping the author proceed with this along with my existence as well and I am truly grateful for that."

"Yet, all would seem to end soon if this story were to sink like the ship on ice" Caster said in a more foreboding tone. "This reaction fanfiction would soon sink later in the future as I have seen in my own eyes and I feared that this story would be soon abandoned."

"And that is why" Caster now stared at you in the eye with a determined look. "I want you to create another of this with familiar elements and different people."

"I know you will be shocked wondering why I am saying this" Caster said as he begin to explain. "Stories are created through our minds and ideas of our imagination. It is the source and the ever-loving aspect of our childhood."

"From what I mean is that, stories like this one here helped inspire others into making more stories related to this" Caster softly smiled as he looked at you again.

"I want you to continue this story's legacy even though this story is not abandoned or dead yet" he said. "I know that through your face that you are distressed by the author's and my message but knowing you, I know that you can do it even though you don't know how."

"Let your imagination flow and help influence others as you walk upon this story" Caster smiled.

"Before I forget" he said as he clapped his hands together before a familiar music begins to play in your ear.

"I believe my true introductions are overdue" he smiled once more as he bowed gracefully to you. "As an apology and an anniversary gift, I shall reveal to you my True Name but this shall remain a secret towards you and not the guest."

"Servant, Caster. Michel de Nostredame, but you may call me Nostradamus" Caster, now identified as the infamous Clairvoyant of France gazed upon you with an elegant gleam in his eyes as he stand straight once more. He turned his back to you as he begin to depart back to where he came.

"I shall look forward into your future as well as the time we have, dear Reader" Nostradamus smiled again as he entered Spirit Mode. As soon as he disappeared, the spotlight shut itself off with the empty void silent once more.

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