Septem (Part 2)

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The next morning, Ritsuka and Mash woke up from their slumber and head towards the Throne Room where Nero awaits them on her chair.

"Good morning Your Majesty, I actually have an important favor to ask of you" Romani appeared from Ritsuka's communication band as he ask her a favor.

"Umu, ask me anything" she smiled boastfully. "I am quite generous!"

"In order to stabilize our activities in this era, I'd like to go to Mount Etna" he propose. "A leyline crucial to our mission exists in that volcano."

"If I remember correctly Mount Etna is located in Sicily correct" Fiore questioned her knowledge.

"Correct Master" Chiron nodded. "Once during the Age of Gods, that mountain was said to be the same mountain that the beast Typhon was under when Zeus trapped it. It was also said that the very same mountain was the place of Hephaestus's forge."

"That leyline must be very powerful for something like this" Shinji muttered in surprise and in interest.

"Apparently constructs and leylines that were built during the Age of Gods have more power than those that were built after that time" Medea stated.

"Huh... The more you know" Shirou muttered as he returned back to the screen.

"Etna, huh? The Court Mage used to go to Etna a lot too" Nero recalled. "Hmm, but why?"

"So we can bolster our troops" Ritsuka clarified his explanation.

"I see. I'm not sure I understand, but I'll grant you permission" she nodded. "If you go to Etna, will it be for me and for the sake of my Rome?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. Of course" Mash smiled.

"You may do as you wish" Nero permitted before warning them as they leave. "Be prepared for enemy soldiers along the way."

"Thank you very much" she nodded exitedly before heading off to Sicily.

A few moments later, they arrived on the island to only encounter something that is currently guarding the leyline.

"...We arrived more easily than expected" Romani muttered. "Isn't this a vital region to the United Empire?"

"Wait Doctor, it looks like something's already swarming around the leyline" Mash observed the unknown creature. "That's-"

What was heading towards our group of heroes now are ghost.

"Ghost" Gordes, Shinji, and nearly everyone jumped out of their seats.

"Oh, so ghost do exist" Shirou muttered as Rin and Artoria held both of his arms in fright which got him to sigh at their behavior.

"The power of Christ compel you" Jeanne chanted with Caren and Kotomine who held a Bible and a wooden cross.

"Aren't you guys a bit overreacting" Cu muttered as he took a glance at everyone. Heracles shrugged while patting Illya for comfort.

"Why does it have to be ghost" Illya mumbled.

"Ghost-type monsters" Romani questioned as he gazed on the monitor. "If it's naturally occuring, that's quite a leyline!"

"Let's eliminate them" Ritsuka ordered Mash as she nodded. She rushed into battle to deal with the ghost while Ritsuka meanwhile is giving her support. As soon as it was done Mash placed her shield on the leyline as the connection with Chaldea was established.

"...Hm. Huh" Romani looked around to find Da Vinci only to find out that she was not present. "Da Vinci's not coming out. Oh, could it be that this time it's... He must be busy with Sheba's maintenance, so I guess he doesn't have the time."

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