Chapter 12

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Sorry for the late upload! My mind has REALLY been blank lately.. Anyways, ENJOY!! :D

Chapter 12

Andrew's POV

I growled lowly at them, letting my eyes shine through the night. My Wolf was on the edge of taking over the situation completely but I pushed him back. We both knew that I was a much more reasonable person to deal with these types of situations.

"No need to become angry Andrew." I heard a familiar voice call from the shadows.

 I snapped my eyes to the direction of the voice but whoever it was, he was too far into the dark for me to see.

"Show yourself!" I growled. I accidentally tightened my grip on Meredith's shoulder, earning a breathy moan of pain. Instantly I loosened my grip but I didn't turn to look at her. I needed my full attention on the Hunters.

"Calm down Andrew." The voice said again, slowly coming closer, "The Hunters and I have made a deal. You and your pack may leave at peace however Meredith stays."

The minute he came out of the clearing Zach growled loudly, the sound echoing from the trees. I was too stunned to make a reply. Although I was more than furious, I was confused. I couldn't believe who I was seeing walking out of the clearing.

Harry Stone

"Harry?" I breathed questionably. "What in the world..." I whispered.

Harry looked away from my penetrating gaze, seeming almost ashamed. I wasn't fooled though. I swore right then and there I wouldn't let his fictitious expressions fool me. For all I knew, he wanted this. This was his choice.

Harry shook his head fiercely, appearing to rid of his thoughts. "Leave the Witch here." Harry demanded in a much harsh tone.

I growled. "No."

"I order you!" Harry demanded.

I laughed humorlessly at him. We were both Alpha's, there was no way his order would settle in with my Wolf. Instead, my Wolf was furious.

I heard a raspy chuckled from behind me. Instantly I snapped my head towards Meredith who was conscious though her form still appeared weak. Her head was lazily leaned against my shoulder and her face was still covered in beads of sweat. I could feel the concern etching off the other members along with my own.

"You..." Meredith breathed with much difficulty. "...are so... weak."

Harry growled at Meredith, his eyes shining brightly. "I am not the weak one at the moment Meredith! I'd heed your filthy lips in your condition."

I snarled at Harry but stopped short when Meredith chuckled again only to end up coughing.

"I'm weak..." She breathed, a grin etched onto her face. "Coming... from the one... hiding behind his own fear.... Where's your... pride..." She trailed off, her face looking pained.

Harry clenched his teeth but didn't reply to Meredith's words. Instead, he said "If you won't hand her over willingly, I'm afraid we will have to use force Andrew."

I growled loudly along with my other pack members. I had no intentions of going down without a fight.

Harry pressed his lips into a thin line, looking anguished with his decisions. "Very well.."

The minute those words left Harry's lips I felt a bullet pierce my right shoulder. I bit my lip from howling in pain. I felt another bullet hit inches away from my face and Meredith's. Knowing my mate was in danger, I lifted Meredith up paying no mind to her groan of pain, and sprinted into the forest.

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