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Meredith's POV

I ran. 

I ran from the person who I thought loved me. From the people who I considered friends, allies and neighbors. From the people who laughed at my pain and who craved my death. 

My body screamed with pain and fatigue. I remembered then that I haven't eaten for awhile. The thought simply filled my rage. I didn't know how long I was locked up in those cages with my Sisters. If it wasn't for our weak magic many of us would have died in there. 

The mundane mortals underestimate us. They believed covering our grotesque cells with their alchemical salt would actually extinct our magic for good. 

What nuisances, I thought bitterly

"She's over there!" I heard one of the Hunters yell.

I looked over my shoulder with a gasp to see them gaining on me. If I wasn't in such a fatigue state, I would be able to use what little magic left to kill them all. I'd suck the life right out of them and give it as a sacrifice to my already deceased Sisters. Hoping then, that they'd be able to rest at peace.

I quickened my pace, lifting up the bottom of these rags they called 'clothing'. I applied the tiniest amount of magic to my feet to help with speed. I knew I wouldn't be able to run forever but I hoped I would be able to hide at the very least.

I could feel every rock and branch cut at my bare feet. The occasional bushes and trees cut at my already delicate skin. My body was already covered in blood, dirt and bruises. Some of my very own skin had begun to peel off due to all the torture the Hunters had given us. With all the Alchemic Salt and Holy water they had thrown at us, it was amazing how I was still standing let along running.

I was once a rich noble woman, with hair as black as a raven and eyes as beautifully bright as the sky. Now I looked like a lonely peasant girl who was being abused by her caretakers. That was what I would look like to the mortals had they now known about the trial.

For a second I had hope, hope that I could hide away in a caring strangers home until the search died down. If I was lucky, the stranger would not believe in Witches or the Supernatural or instead, they would not have heard of the trials at all.

But I knew better, everybody within a thousand mile radius knew about the trials. Merchants from all over came to see the Witches at their end. Some useless noblemen even wanted to buy as at a great price.

What pathetic mortals.

Suddenly a loud shot rang out through the woods, causing a nearby tree to shake with the force. At first I believed I was seeing things until another shot rang out, followed by another.

I gasped, not even bothering to look behind me. They had guns! Actual guns! I knew that this would not end well. I didn't know how to outrun their weapons, especially a gun.

I felt a tear streak down my cheek. I couldn't outrun them, I knew this yet I continued to run in some hope I would be saved by the Spirits of my Sisters.

Not to soon after my thoughts of hope did pain exploded in my right thigh. I  collapse to the ground, biting back my scream of agony. I wouldn't show weakness to those monsters, I couldn't. I had already failed my Sisters one, I had no wish to fail them again.

Their shouts of triumph shrilled through the air. I felt the magic in my feet disappear along with my energy. My previous injuries were suddenly too much to bear. I clenched my hands on the cold ground, mentally crying out in pain. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't move, I couldn't continue any further.

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