Part 8

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My heart started beating really fast.

I got startled when Mrs. Malhotra said, 'Yeah he lost that a few days ago.'

'Uh.. yeah they have replacement parts online on Amazon if you...'

We heard Ryaan come out of the bathroom. He had a towel around his waist.

We both walked out and he closed the door from inside.

'Isn't he adorable?'

I blinked at her. She loves him so much. I don't think I can do this.

'He absolutely is. You know what aunty, I'll come back later. I think it's time for lunch anyway.'

I walked out on my own.

'Beta have lunch here. It's ready!'

'No thank you aunty. I'll come back later.'

I went back home.

'Where did you go?'

'Just to meet Ryaan.' I started going upstairs.

I think I'm having an anxiety attack.

'Did you meet Sameer?'

'No who's he?'

'Their elder son. He is...'

'No aunty he wasn't home.' I said from top of the stairs and went into my room.

'When will you have lunch?'

I didn't reply.

I lied down. The fan still rotated. I turned away.

I called Roshini but she didn't pick up. Probably in office.

I closed my eyes but there were too many thoughts.

Should I tell them?

Should I tell anyone?

Am I even right?

But why? Why would...

I sat up again. I can't hold all this in. I'll go crazy.

Ma and Aleema aunty were just finishing lunch. I sat on the table.

Aleema aunty started licking her fingers to get up and bring me food.

'Aunty please sit down. I have to talk about something.'

'Haan (yes) but I'll just get you food first.'

'Aunty please just sit down.'

She stood next to my chair.

'Waseem, are you alright?'

'You remember how dadi didn't have anything in her hands when you found her?'

'You are still stuck on that? Waseem..' Ma touched my hand, 'beta stop thinking about it, it was what Allah (God) wanted so it happened. Stop worrying so much.'

I looked at both of them. 'Maybe it was what Allah wanted. But it's definitely not what dadi wanted.'

They both kept staring at me. I looked at Aleema aunty.

'Do you know anything about drones?'

'Yes. Ryaan has one. He showed me one day.'

'What drone?' Ma asked confused.

'Yes ma. Ryaan has a drone which flies. It has four blades which rotate really fast giving it the desired lift to fly off.'


'So I think what really happened that evening was that, Ryaan was flying his drone till late. It landed on our terrace. Maybe dadi was there, about to pray or already had prayed, since the mat was still rolled up. She must have seen it or maybe was shocked. She tried to pick it up. Ryaan couldn't see all that from the garden. He must have tried to fly it again. It's very high speed and her skin was sensitive. So.... She must have screamed and threw it away. That is what you guys heard. Ryaan got scared. He tried again and it flew off. He took it and ran away. And hence when you found her, there was nothing in her hand.'


Ma's hand was still holding a bite, her other hand holding my hand on the table. All still. Even I was shocked now that I had heard it all.

'I just went to Malhotra's house and saw Ryaan's drone in his room. One blade is still missing.'

'Wassi...' Ma could not say more. She looked at Aleema aunty.

I could see it on both the women's faces. Their truth denial mechanism had kicked it; to prevent them from anxiety or maybe even heart attacks.

'Waseem beta. I think you have too much free time here. You'll be fine when you go back to your office.'

'Yes beta. Book us a flight for Monday we'll..'

We all heard Faiz uncle's car.

'Why are they home so early?' I asked.

'It is Saturday. Half day here.'


'Don't say anything beta. He has a weak heart.'

Before I could answer, they both entered.

'How was your day?' I was surprised at such a quick change in Aleema auntys tone.

'Amazing as always mom.'

Faiz uncle asked for food while taking off his shoes and Aleema aunty went to the kitchen.

'How was your day Wassi?'

Ayesha asked and ruined my hair before going to her room.

I helped ma clear the table and then went to my room.

I messaged Ayesha to come up quickly after lunch and waited.

'Yes Mr. Waseem Butt?'

'I know what happened that evening and how dadi ended up that way.'

Her eyes widened. She has pretty eyes.

'Dadi didn't kill herself I told you!...'

I told her what had happened.

'Oh! Ryaan? And even went to their house! What are you crazy? You come up with theories and harass out only neighbours, who are amazing people by the way. What's wrong with you Wassi?'

'What do you mean theories? You don't believe me?'

'No I don't and I think you need a psychiatrist.'

'Well ma and aunty believe me.'

'You told them too? Oh my God you've gone crazy. I think you should go back to Delhi.'

She got up and left.

Maybe she is right.

Couldn't dadi have just thrown away the knife?

Only one way to find out.

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