A Knight's Quest

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As soon as his dark eyes saw the bot on the cooling bay, Sam Witwicky launched himself at the nearest Sector Seven technician.

"Stop!" he yelled, jerking the cryo device from the man's hands.

Then, like a wave, Lennox's team flowed into the chamber, ordering more of the technicians to stand down. Banacheck just behind the soldiers, deep voice carrying throughout the chamber over the yells and hissing of the machines.

On the platform, Bee let out a long low whine, trying to see Sam and the others.

Out of the corner of his eye, Sam saw his sister run to the other side of the platform. Jenn quickly disarmed one of the men of his freezing device and made other Sector Seven technicians back away from the platform.

As quick as the confrontation had started, it was over. With a quick nod from Simmons, the operator standing at the control panel pulled a combination of switches that released Bumblebee's shackles.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked his guardian when Bee was free.

Bee finally maneuvered his head around to make sure Sam was there. His bright optics quickly took in the unfamiliar faces surrounding the handful he knew. He tried to sit up, the icy blue of his optics flew around the chamber, clearly on-edge. Clumps of ice made scattering sounds as they fell from his armor to the concrete floor.

"Bee!" Jenn called, making him look at her, hoping to calm him down, "They didn't hurt you, right?"

Her very familiar voice and familiar but bruised face broke Bee out of his guarded train of thought. He scanned over Sam and Mikaela for bruises upon their fleshy forms. Another whine left him with an edge of anger. His face-shield slid down over his optics at the same instant he transformed his right arm into his heat-cannon. He aggressively held his canon aloft as he rolled himself off the platform and into a defensive crouch. He quickly scanned around the room again, tracing the sight of his canon on the new unfamiliar humans. Threats.

In response to his movements, everyone around Sam, Mikaela, and Jenn all backed away from the large bot. Jenn's team all lifted their newly acquired guns from the Sector Seven armory in reflex, sweat beginning to shine on their faces.

Bee didn't like this sight. And he didn't like these new people so near his humans.

He crawled forward, motioning with his live canon for the soldiers to back up – away from his three friends. When he felt that the threats were a safe distance from the three in front of him, he took a thorough scan of Mikaela and the two Witwickys.

With no hesitation, Sam took some slow steps forward in order to not spook Bee. The boy motioned for Bee to calm down.

"Jenn..." Lennox trailed off, unsure.

Jenn stepped right up beside her brother, motioning to her teammates to lower their guns.

"Listen to me, Bee!" Sam stressed, "The cube is here and the Decepticons are coming."

Bumblebee let out an angry chirp at the information, swinging the rest of his body off the cooling platform. However, he kept his arm-cannon aloft and point at the group of men behind the Witwickys. Bee kept switching his focus between Sam and the threat in the room, stepping forward.

"Just back up a little bit. He's friendly. He's fine," Sam told the men behind him offhandedly, as if he was taking his dog Momo for a walk in a park and the chihuahua decided to madly bark at a stranger.

"Seriously, guys," Jenn encouraged them when they didn't immediately relax a little.

Seeing that the men had lowered their guns, Sam turned his attention back to Bee.

"No...don't worry about them. They're okay, they're not gonna hurt you," Sam told his guardian.

Feeling most of the tension in the underground chamber disappear, Bee slid back his protective visor and crouched down to be near the humans. Tenderly, he extended one of his metallic fingers and touched the dark bruise on the side of Jenn's face. She closed her eyes briefly. The coolness of the alien metal against her sore head relieved some of the throbbing pain.

"The little lady is hurt, fellas," Bumblebee played a western voice, "Okay?"

"I'm fine, Bee," she gave him a brief smile and a nod, "I'm just glad you're okay."

"Here, come with me," Sam said once more. "I'm gonna take you to the All Spark."

////.- / -- . / .--. ////

"Why's he listening to your brother?" Epps asked her curiously over his shoulder as the team followed the bot and the youngest Witwicky from the chamber.

"Bumblebee says he's Sam's...guardian," Jenn told him slowly, still understanding it all herself.

"What does that mean?" Jim's face scrunched up from beside her.

"We've been through a lot these past twenty four hours, but Bee...he's done nothing but protect Sam. Whatever we face, it's why he's here."

"Well who's here to protect you?" Jim queried again.


"Sam has Bumblebee as a guardian because he had the location to the cube. But you've been with him the whole time. The Decepticons out for Sam will see you as just as big as a threat. Where's your robot-guardian-angel or whatever?"

Jenn went quiet for a second. She knew Bee had done everything in his power to save not just Sam, but her and Mikaela. The yellow bot had his hands full protecting the three of them and she would forever be grateful for everything he'd done.

"You've got my back right?" Jenn shot back at Jim.

Jim scoffed at his teammate.

"Against a 20-foot, evil, pissed-off, super-intelligent, alien robot that's older than any recorded Earth-History? Not to mention his psychotic friends?"

Jenn gave him a small smile, shoulders up in a shrug as she walked.

"Honestly, Jenn, I am hurt that you would even ask me that," Jim replied to her cynically, faking a wound to his chest. "What sort of man do you take me for?"

"I never doubted you, Jim."

"This is a quest. A knight's quest, okay? All the comics I've read, all the games I've played, all the Renaissance Festivals I've been to have prepared me for this moment."


"—this journey that will change the rest of my life, Jenn."

"Okay, but Jim—"

"Decepticons shall rue the day they caused a smidgen of harm to befall you, dear maiden!" Jim mocked in an old English accent, making his voice deeper.

In front of the pair, Epps let out a bark of laughter and Lennox even cracked a smile.

"I'm not a mai--" Jenn tried to defend herself.

"They shalt not see one more sunrise – Nay! They shan't live to see the sun set this very evening. The morn shall beget a red dawn!"

Jim always knew he had the skills of a knight. He didn't know he could predict the future too.


This chapter's title comes from:

1) Jim's quest. LOL what a gem.

2) I made an earlier reference in AGP of Sam dreaming of being the hero to a story. This chapter title is also a loose reference to his character arc.


Kinda a short chapter, I know. It sux. But I think taking smaller portions helps me concentrate on them better. As always, thank you so much for reading. <3

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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