A Canary-Yellow Robot and Siblings Skid Into A Cop Monster

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"Hey Mo!" Jenn called fondly to the little dog as she came into the kitchen from her post-run shower

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"Hey Mo!" Jenn called fondly to the little dog as she came into the kitchen from her post-run shower. Hoping to work in the gardens outside with her parents, she was now dressed for the cool spring afternoon in a sturdy pair of dark washed jeans, a loose, gray, striped tank, and a faded denim button-down that had once belonged to her mother.

Mojo gave her a short bark in response from his favorite chair, which also happened to be Ron's recliner, and hopped down. He ran awkwardly into the kitchen, circling Jenn's tennis shoe clad feet exactly twice before going to his food dish. Jenn had to laugh at the begging expression he gave her and moved to get his bag of food. Once Mojo was happily crunching away, Jenn went to the refrigerator to get some fruit for herself.

When she had returned home from her long run, her parents were about to leave for town. Unexpectedly, their interaction wasn't as awkward as Jenn thought it would be. They had a normal conversation. Her dad had even gotten her to crack a smile. Jenn knew the act was put on for her benefit, but she appreciated it all the same.

Sam came staggering down the stairs, dressed in jeans, a long-sleeved blue shirt, and a black t-shirt thrown over his shoulder. Mojo, ever happy to see one of his masters, looked up from his bowl and barked at him repeatedly.

"Stop with the barking, Mojo. It's too early. Please?" Sam complained, covering his ears and walking straight toward the pantry. Mojo gave one last bark and then fell silent, concentrating on his kibble.

"Sam, it's not morning anymore," Jenn commented from her place at the counter, "You know that right?"

Sam sighed in annoyance, ignoring her comment. He grabbed the milk from the refrigerator and his favorite cereal from the pantry and went to sit at the kitchen bar.

"Where's Mom and Dad?" Sam asked, pouring cereal into a bowl.

"Mom took him to Lowe's. She decided he needed to get his mind on walkway bricks and petunias instead of your crazy excursion last night," she answered before glancing up at him slyly from the other side of the counter. "Which I heard about from Dad, by the way. Wanna tell me about it?"

Sam winced audibly, not wanting to retell his night of going insane. 'Cars do not grow legs and stand up,' he told himself again, 'nor do they drive themselves.' He slowly opened his mouth, open milk jug still in hand, to make an excuse...

The phone rang.

'Saved by the phone,' Sam thought, scrambling after it before Jenn could get her hands on it and turn it off. Yanking the ringing device from its stand, Sam went to stand by the sink. Cautiously, he looked over his shoulder at Jenn as she continued to eat her fruit at the counter.

"Hello?" Sam said casually into the receiver before taking a large swig of milk.

"Yo, man," Miles' voice clearly sounded in his ear.

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