Close Encounters of the Secret Agent Kind

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"They're pulling bushes out of the ground! Good Lord! They've got to get their hands off my roses!" Mrs.Witwicky walked out of the living room with Mojo, a baseball bat in her hand.

"Drop the bat, ma'am," the suited man at the door told her in a bored tone.

"You'd better get those guys out of my garden or I am gonna beat the crap out of them!" Judy Witwicky threatened.

The agent ignored her statement and took a small yet bright flashlight out of his pocket. He quickly flashed it up to the woman's bright sea-green eyes. Judy recoiled back from the bright light, blinking rapidly.

"Are you experiencing any flu-like symptoms? Aching joints? Fever?" his dark eyes bored into Judy's face.


"Hey, that's my wife!" Ron Witwicky got defensive, taking a step closer to the shorter man.

"Sir, I am carrying a loaded weapon," the suited man added.

"What is all this?" Jenn interjected, walking into the hall from the kitchen. Sam and Mikaela followed behind her. The three had just gotten back inside from looking for the Autobots in the backyard. Not finding their friends, they had returned back to the house, all confused. Jenn had been the first to hear the commotion near the front door and had walked ahead to investigate.

Jenn quickly raked her eyes over the situation. The man in the middle of her parents wore a dark suit. His curly hair was oiled and meticulously smoothed down. He stood in a professional and overly confident stance and regarded Ron with an impatient stare. There were a few other men in the house's hallway and all of them wore a dark and pressed suit. Barely noticeable coils hung below their ears indicating earwigs. Jenn glanced out the windows surrounding the door and could see several more men out on the front lawn. It seemed as if the Witwicky house had been invaded by CIA agents.

The curly-haired agent first narrowed his beady eyes at Jenn, then he saw Sam behind his sister and locked eyes with the teenager. He suddenly broke out into a tight smile.

"How are you doing, son? Is your name Sam?"

"Yeah?" Sam's statement sounded more like a question because of his confusion.

"Well, I need you to come with us," Agent Curly addressed Sam, getting down to business.

"Whoa, way out of line," Ron Witwicky informed him lowly, moving to stand in front of the three.

"Sir, I am asking politely," curly-haired agent ordered while leaning toward Ron's face, "Back. Off."

At that moment, Mojo began barking up at the men in suits. Jenn swiftly bent down to pick up the limping chihuahua and Mojo's high-pitched barks became more vicious. It was as if the small dog could feel the suspicion and cautiousness Jenn was feeling.

"You're not taking my son."

"Really? You gonna try to get rough with us?"

"No, but I'm gonna call the cops because there's something fishy going on around here."

Mojo was still barking, so Jenn held him closer and tucked his head into her neck. He immediately calmed down.

"Yeah. There's something a little fishy about you, your son, your little Taco Bell dog and this whole operation you got going on here!"

Jenn noticed that his small body was shaking more than usual. It was almost like the little dog was scared. Mojo liked everybody. He enjoyed every visitor the Witwicky had over and was even friendly to the neighbors. Of course, the small dog had encountered an alien race in his backyard earlier that night. So it was safe to say that Mojo would be on edge, much like his favorite belly-rubber (aka: Jenn). Still, it was something to say that Mojo was afraid of these agents. And if Mojo seemed put off about their presence, then that was good enough for Jenn to confirm her own suspicious dislike.

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