Meteor Tails of Trust Are Shushed

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"What is it?" Mikaela whispered, nervously leaning in toward Sam's left side

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"What is it?" Mikaela whispered, nervously leaning in toward Sam's left side.

"It-it's a robot. Just a super...advanced robot. It's probably Japanese," Sam replied, mouth agape and looking at the yellow robot in awe. Jenn unconsciously twitched towards her brother, protectively closing the distance between them and angling herself between him and the robot. She was still wary of the giant alien standing in front of her. 'Who wouldn't be?' she thought to herself.

With a flash of a small smile, she answered her own question. She knew that Jim Taylor, her bald-headed teammate, would have stars in his eyes if he saw what she was looking at. As soon as she thought of Jim, a whole new rush of depressing pain crept pitifully up her spine and hung itself in her chest.

Now when she thought of Jim, she only saw the dull and defeated look in his pair of dead gray eyes. The exact same look she saw in her nightmare. Quickly, she forced the thought out of her head.

Sam began scooting closer to his sister's side, eyes never leaving the robot in front of him. Jenn nervously eyed the robot's arm-cannon. The Camaro robot seemed to notice where her eyes rested, and he quickly reverted his canon back to a hand. Shooting each other a quick glance, the siblings took a step forward.

"What are you two doing? Sam! Jenn!" Mikaela hissed at the siblings loudly.

"Shh!" Jenn hushed the teenage girl, flinging an arm out behind her for emphasis.

"It would have hurt us already if it wanted to," Sam whispered back to Mikaela, taking another curious step closer to the robot.

"I think it wants something from me," he claimed, stepping closer.

"What?" Jenn questioned, taking a step closer to him.

"The other robot was talking about my eBay page," Sam explained.

"You are the strangest boy I've ever met," Mikaela admitted, sounding frustrated. For once, Sam didn't seem to notice her. At the moment, all he could do was stare at the yellow robot in front of him.

"Can you talk?" Sam questioned loudly. The robot seemed to smile and nodded his head.

"XM Satellite Radio...Digital cable brings you...Columbia Broadcasting System..." The robot 'spoke', holding its heroic stance.

"So, uh..." Jenn pursed her lips as she trailed off, not getting it.

"You talk through the radio?" Sam stuttered, tilting his neck up to see higher. The robot began to cheer, nodding happily while clapping its large hands.

"Thank you, you're beautiful! You're wonderful, you're wonderful!" The robot said, pointing one of his fingers down at the teenage boy.

"So, what was that last night? What was that?" Sam asked, confusing Mikaela. The robot pointed up towards the night's sky.

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