A red Rose bum

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It was a good forty minutes after Aunty Helena and Uncle Raphael arrived that Rose really had the strong urge to go number two. Daddy Chevy noticed her squirming in his arms and glanced down. "What is it baby?" He whispered "I need to go to the bathroom." She whimpered and squirmed again "Use your diaper. That's what its there for." He smirked "But it will stink. Its poo." She whimpered and he ignored her "Daddyyyy!" She whimpered and tried to squirm free of his arms. He readjusted her on his hip and continued talking to Raphael about the history behind the house. "Daddyyyy!" Rose fought his grip and tried to pry his fingers loose of her hip but between his strength and the mittens, the battle was lost before it even started.
She sobbed as her stomach cramped and she could no longer control her bowels. There was a horrible wet sound and then an awful odor. "Good girl!" Aunty Helena smiled warmly at her and then reached for her "May I change her?" She asked Chevy who smiled down at Rose with pride and love then kissed the top of her head "You did good baby girl. Go see aunty, she will change you." He gently set her down and wiped her tears from her face.
Rose was so angry that she decided she would get him back later.
She sniffled as Helena carried her into the nursery and laid her down "Please take these off?" She whimpered and held out her hands "No love. Mittens are to keep your pretty little hands from finding trouble." She replied with a big smile and lifted Rose's legs up to pull the yucky diaper off. The nursery smelled so bad that Rose gagged "Yup, Little Rosie made a stinky, huh?" Helena cooed and chuckled "Its so gross! Why cant I use the potty?" Rose sulked "Babies don't use the potty, you are a baby." Helena explained with a slight shrug then got to work wiping Rose clean and putting powder on her as well as a clean diaper.
The moment Rose saw the diaper she started crying again. "Noooo!" She kicked and screamed and fought for all she was worth. "Nooo No mija! Where is Aunty's good girl? Huh?" Helena cooed and gently rubbed circles on Rose's belly "its okay, calm down." She soothed her and once Rose's cries died down to sniffles, Helena started to diaper her again. This time Rose fought hard enough that she escaped off the changing table and ran down the hall way in nothing but her short sleeve blue Grover onsie that was unsnapped and pulled up high showing a bare bottom. "Mija!" Helena ran after her but Rose was quicker and made it down to the main level before she came to an abrupt halt when she heard Chevy's harsh and furious voice "Stop!" She turned around to see his blue eyes piercing her with a frosty scowl. His mouth was set in a farm line and he pointed to a section of the floor infront of him. "N-" she started to protest and he had her in three quick strides, before she knew what was happening he had sat down on the sofa and had her laying face down over his knee and was raining down stinging swat after stinging swat.
SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK SMACK "Never (CRACK) run (SMACK) from (SMACK) your (SMACK) Aunty (CRACK) again! (CRACK) You WILL (SMACK) wear diapers (SMACK)  and you WILL (CRACK) STOP (CRACK) fighting (SMACK) them!" The swats became more rapid. Her bottom was on fire and she screamed and cried as he continued to rain down more swats as he continued his lecture "We have been over this time and time again! This will be the last time that you and I have this talk! Diapers are part of your wardrobe. Get used to them. You don't have to like them but you WILL wear them. You WILL soil them." "D-Daddyyyy!" She sobbed "Now," he stood her up and turned her so he could examine her bright red and swollen bottom "Unless you want the belt, I suggest you go apologize to your Aunty and cooperate with her when she finishes dressing you." "Huhuh." She sobbed and rubbed her tears from her eyes "When you are fully dressed, I want you to come back down here and sit with me. Bring a blanket." He added with a small smile. "D-Daddy, i-it nnnap time?" She sniffed and tried to get her crying under control "Yes Little One." He murmured "Kay D-Daddy, I be right back." She rubbed her eyes again and slowly made her way to Helena. She started to cry again as she felt the burn and sting from walking. "A-Auntyyyy!" She sobbed and reached up for her but this time Helena crossed her arms and gave her a stern look "I-I sorry!" She cried even harder and finally Helena nodded and picked her up being careful of her tender and perky little bum.
"Sis," Chevy called out to Helena "there is a bottle of lotion next to the changing table. She is allowed some but only is she doesn't fight the diaper at all. If she starts to fight it, even in the slightest, call for me and I will come up there and put her back over my knee. Understood?" He asked and Helena called back "Yes Sir." Then she looked down at Rose in cradled in her arms "You better behave, Little Rose, your bum seems pretty painful as it is."
Helena was right. Rose's bottom felt like she had sat on a burner.
Helena laid Rose back down on the changing table and the cool padding felt wonderful to her hot bottom "Now, lets try this again, huh sweetheart?" Helena lifted Rose's legs up and gently slid the diaper under her and then grabbed the bottle of lotion "hmm. This is a good brand." She commented to Rose "It has lavender, mint and aloe vera in it. This will feel nice to your cute little spanked bottom." She cooed at Rose and then squeezed some onto her hand and with one hand, lifted Rose up a little by her leg and with the other she reached under Rose and gently rubbed the cool lotion into her bottom. Helena was right, Rose sighed with relief as the lotion quickly took away most of the sting and heat. "That's better, huh?" Helena smiled at Rose and finished taping her diaper closed then grabbed the overalls she had been wearing and slid them back on her. She picked Rose up off of the changing table and held her on her hip and snuggled her "You smell so good Little One." She murmured into Rose's neck "Lets get you a blanket and get you back down to your Daddy. Kay?" She smiled at Rose who nodded "Aunty, pwease I has my pacci?" She pointed to the lavender adult pacifier sitting on the windowsill "Sure baby." Helena grabbed it and popped it into Rose's mouth. Rose sucked on it and sleepily rested her head ob Helena's shoulder. "Theres a good girl." Helena murmured and then gently ran her fingers through Rose's hair "Such a pretty baby." She whispered then snagged a pink, blue and white Afghan off of the edge of the adult crib and draped it over Rose.
Rose was practically asleep by the time Helena passed it off to Chevy.
He gently cradled Rose in his arms and stroked her cheek while she drifted off into a deep sleep.

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