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I woke up in a crib. Like adult size crib. I was in a diaper and some pink fuzzy footie jammies. I wasn't sure why, but for some odd reason the thing I found most disturbing was that I didn't know where I was.
The whole 'baby' treatment was oddly comforting.
Soon this guy who reminded me of a young Bradly Cooper walked into the room and smiled at me "Look who woke up! Our little star of the evening. You are going to make me big money and make someone super happy kiddo. Hopefully you land it big with my cousin." He winked at me then picked me up and sat me on his hip while he fished through a closet for some clothes.

Soon he set me down on a changing table and dressed me in some cute dark red leggings and a dark red and black polka dot and frilly shirt then put my hair up in pigtails. He kept me on his hip until we reached the stage. Then he passed me off to this beautiful lady who reminded me of Gloria from Modern Family. "Hola chica!" The woman purred and nestled my cheek. I smiled. This was weird, yes, but better than the plans I had before. Sleeping in the streets.
It seemed like the auction went on forever. Each person was on stage for close to an hour. But when it came my turn, I wasn't sure if I should be offended or not. I was out there for less than twenty minutes and then the Cooper look alike sent me to the Gloria look alike who told me I did real good and would go to a great family.

Well going from no home, any home should be an improvement. Right?

I was put in what I can only describe as an adult daycare. There was close to a dozen of us dressed up like babies and we were placed in a fenced in circle that had kid toys and books. I found a box of ponies and started playing with them. Then I heard someone calling to me "Girl! Come here sweetie." It was the Bradley Cooper looking dude. He was standing next to this super sexy guy that reminded me a little of Loki. "Yeah?" I put the ponies down and walked over to the fence. "Come on out sweetie." The guy opened the gate and guided me over to the Loki looking guy. "First off, I'm Raphael. You'll be seeing me regularly. This is your Daddy Dom. Chevy." Oh. So Cooper is Raphael and Loki is Chevy. Easy enough what? "I'm sorry. Did I hear you call him a Daddy Dom?" I asked and both men smiled down at me adoringly. "That's right sweetheart. You will call me Daddy. I'll treat you like my child. You'll want for nothing. But should you become bratty, disrespectful, rude or disobedient, I will punish you." Loki's look alike, Chevy, explained like it was nothing. "Oh. Well....I've never done anything like this before. I was actually hoping to get a job and maybe go to a community college. I mean...well..i didn't see who brought me here so it's not like I can go to the cops. I mean I don't even know where here is so..." My words trailed off when Chevy chuckled "Calm down kid. Nobody is going to hurt you. Come on. Let's go home." Chevy gently took my hand and we started walking "Helena and I will be by later with the Welcome Home kit." Raphael called after us. "Where IS home?" I asked Chevy who smirked then reached over and picked me up. He was close to six and a half feet tall, so I really did look like a child next to him.
"Its in Alabama little one. What's your name kiddo?" He asked and I couldn't help but get lost in his light green eyes. "Um. Rose." "Perfect. My little Rose Bud." He grinned and then did something so unexpected. He gave me a feather light kiss on my lips. I gasped and he laughed.
"Look, I'm not so sure that I want to live in Alabama, so can I please just go back where I was taken from?" I asked and he chuckled "not on your life kid. You were homeless. You were broke. You were unemployed. I'm giving you a mansion to live in, more money than you could spend in ten lifetimes and the only job you have, is to behave like a child. I'll never expect grown up behaviour from you unless you are should I phrase this...well, if you want sex or 'play time' you will always get it. If I can't provide it for you, my family and staff can." He watched my eyes and when I looked away bashfully he asked "Are you a virgin?"
I didn't answer and he continued "Virgin or not, I'm glad you are mine now."
By this point we had reached the elevators.
He set me down and then pressed a combination of numbers.
The elevator went up and opened to what appeared to be a penthouse.
"We are staying with Raphael and Helena tonight and will take the jet home tomorrow." He explained and then led me into the living room. Everything was white from floor to ceilling. The only color was from the black grand piano and the art on the walls. I was sat on the sofa and handed a Ranger Rick magazine while Chevy messed around in the kitchen "Hey Rosie, do you have any food allergies?" He called out and I replied "No." Then went back to the magazine trying to spot the differences between two pictures of these weird birds.
An idea came to me "Ford, what if I suck at being a baby?" I called over to him and he laughed "Well, first off. My name is Chevy, second, you only call me Daddy and third, we will figure that issue out if we ever cross it. The fact that you took super well to diapers and kid stuff tells me we won't have that issue. Now, Mac and cheese or chicken noodle soup for dinner?" He asked and I grinned "Chicken Noodle. But if I was bad at being a kid and none of your plans worked...would I be killed? Thrown out? What would happen?" I asked and he set the soup on to heat up then came over to me and picked me up "Rosie, look into my eyes, dear." I looked into them. I could never tire of looking into those gorgeous eyes "I will NEVER abandon you. I will NEVER toss you out on the streets. IF a time ever came where I couldn't have you living with me, I'd send you here, to stay with Raphael and Helena while I got my shit in order. You are MINE. Not just tonight, not for a week or month or a year. You are my baby girl now and forever. Stop trying to weasel your way out of it. Okay Princess." He said the last part with a small smile.
I know I'm insane, but for some reason his determination and how final and sure he was on everything put my mind at ease. I nodded my head that I understood and he gave me a wide smile "Good girl. Now, let's work on your picture puzzle, shall we?" He sat on the sofa and we got to work.

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