Rules Suck!

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Rose sat on the floor of her nursery and played with her toy ponies. A light breeze danced through her window and knocked a paper off of a high shelf.
She got up and picked it up.
It was a list of rules.
Daddy had told her before that they would go over rules but it must have slipped his mind.
She started reading over them.
Rules for Baby:
1. Always obey adults
2. Never argue with adults
3. Never touch your 'kitty' without Daddy's permission.
4. Always tell Daddy when your 'kitty' needs attention.
5. No running away from Daddy.
6. No cursing.
7. No alcohol
8. No drugs
9. No self harm in any way shape or form.
10. Always tell Daddy when something or someone upsets or hurts you.
11. Tell Daddy when you need snuggles
12. Whenever you feel it, tell Daddy that you love him.

Punishments for Baby:
1. Restrictions
2. Corner time
3. Spanking
4. Grounding
5. Chores
6. Writing lines
7. Mouth washed out with soap

1. Toy store shopping trip
2. Candy store shopping trip
3. Babies choice of activities
4. A party
5. A vacation anywhere baby wants to go.

Daddy has complete control over these rules, punishments and rewards and can modify them as he sees fit.

Rose smirked and wadded them up and put them in the garbage and then went back to playing with her ponies.

She got board of the ponies and looked outside. It was still a little rainy so she left her room and slowly made her way to Daddy's office.
He and Uncle Raphael and Aunty Helena were having an important meeting.
They had been in there for hours and hours talking with some people on a speaker phone.

Rose slowly pushed the office door open to see the three adults sitting just like they had before.
This time Uncle Raphael saw her and motioned for her to go to him. She did so with a big smile.
He picked her up and set her on his lap then whispered into her ear "We are almost done, love. Did you need something?" "Nuh uh." She whispered back. He nodded and then gently rubbed her back. She looked across the table at Daddy who smiled at her and whispered "We will be done soon, Rose Bud." "M'kay Daddy." She forgot to whisper and heard the person on the phone pause and then chuckle "Daddy?" He asked and Chevy grinned "Yup. Finally made a commitment to an adorable little Lady."
The conversation stayed on Littles and Doms but only for ten minutes and then it was ten minutes about 'distribution' 'product' 'sales' and 'costs.' Rose climbed off of Uncle Raphael's lap and left the office when the call ended but Daddy and Raphael kept up the boring talk.
She made her way into the kitchen and was surprised when it was empty.
She decided she wanted to make chocolate chip pancakes, so she climbed up on the counter and got down all of the ingredients. She was trying to get back down when she bumped a bottle of vegetable oil and the lid popped off and oil gurgled out of the bottle onto the floor.
She gasped and tried to snag the towel that was on top of the microwave but when she pulled on it it knocked a bix of toothpicks onto the floor. She growled in frustration and finally got down on the floor but in the process knocked a bag of flour out of the cupboard and it dumped on her and the counter.
She rushed to the broom closet and grabbed the mop and bucket and then rushed for the other side of the room for a pitcher. She started filling ths mop bucket with hot soapy water to clean up her mess.
She was on edge the whole time shs cleaned up her mess. She expected someone to walk in at any minute. But nobody did. She had finished moping and turned to push the mop bucket back to the sink but slipped on the wet floor and fell forward catching herself on the edge of the mop bucket and dumping it all over the floor. Of course she screamed and alerted the whole house.
Now she sat on the floor soaked. The flour that was all over her had turned to dough.
She hung her head and covered her face with her hands as she cried.

"Oh! Baby! Are you okay?" She heard Daddy's voice and felt his strong hands lift her up. The smell of his cologne and the concern in his voice was comforting "y-yeah. B-but I need a shower." She sniffed and looked up at him with big sad brown eyes. "Yeah, id say so." He chuckled "Lets go have a shower together, okay my love?" He murmured in her ear.

She felt butterflies in her tummy.
A shower with Daddy?
Was he going to....touch..her?
She wasn't sure if she even wanted that. But if she did, she figured Daddy would be the one she would want.

He carried her into his bathroom and sat her down on the counter. Then he took off his white button up dress shirt and adjusted the temperature for the shower.
When he turned back around she couldn't help by stare.
He was ripped. And he had a big tattoo of a knight with a sword on his side.
"Lets get these dirty clothes off of you, okay Princess?" He smiled warmly at her as he gently undressed her down to her diaper "Are you ready baby?" He asked and she nodded. He untaped her diaper and dropped it into the garbage and then took off his own pants and boxers.
She couldn't help but watch. Sure enough, the star of his show sprang to life before her eyes. And it was quite impressive.
"Does baby like?" He smirked at her staring. She gave him a shy nod of her head.
"Silly baby." He chuckled and picked her up and carried her into the shower with him.

Sold, to the man in the back.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن