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My Little Rosie ate a mug of soup last night and then passed out in my arms while I read to her. She seems like an easy little girl to take care of.
I waited until Helena showed me which room would be Rosie's before I put her in a crib. Then I went to my room and was out like a light.
The next morning went a little differently than I had expected.
First off, Rosie had climbed out of the crib last night and was found by Raphael sleeping on the sofa. He gently put her back in the crib and thankfully didn't wake her in the process.
Helena was the first to hear her stirring so she got her up, diapered and dressed her in faded blue overalls and a pink and white stripped long sleeve shirt with pink converse and pink bows in her pigtails. Rosie was playing with toy ponies on the living room floor when I walked in "Good morning." She smiled up at me and I returned the smile "Good morning to you too Little Rose Bud. Did you sleep well?" I asked then picked her up "Well. I did until I had to use the bathroom. Then I couldn't figure out how to get back to bed. So I went to sleep on the couch. But then I woke up back in bed. Did you put me back to bed Chevy?" She asked and then gasped "I mean....Daddy." I smiled and she giggled "No. I didn't put you back. Cousin Raphael did. And another thing. You wear diapers. I expect you to use them. No big girl potties for you anymore." I explained and she hung her head and replied "k." "No. Not 'k'. Yes Daddy." I explained and she rolled her eyes at me. Something I can't stand. So I gave her a sharp swat to her bottom. She buried her face in the crook of my neck. At first I thought she was hiding. Then I felt something wet on my neck and realized she was crying. "Baby, look at daddy." I pulled her back and my heart broke seeing her tear stained cheeks and bloodshot soft brown eyes. "Daddy loves you and wants only the best for you. Understand?" I asked and she nodded. "Okay, now it smells like breakfast is done. Let's go take a peek. Okay?" I smiled and she smiled back.

I was right. Helena and Raphael had been busy whipping up pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns and toast.
I fixed up a plate for Rosie and set her up in the highchair Helena had set up. Then Helena handed her a sippy of OJ. "Um. Please may I have a different cup?" Rosie frowned at the sippy and her plate of food that I had cut up for her. "No. Nothing is wrong with the cup. Use it." Helena answered simply and I admired her for the easy going way she had handled it.
"Its-" Rosie started to argue but Raphael chimed in "Are you excited to see your new house Little Rosie?" He asked and she rolled her eyes and set the cup down. "Yeah. But I'm also kinda nervous too." "Stop rolling your eyes. Why are you nervous baby?" I asked and she sighed "Because if things go south I'm so far from places I know." She answered then poked her eggs with her fork "Don't play with your food. Eat." Helena used her own fork and scooped up some of Rosie's eggs then held them to Rosie's mouth "Open." She ordered and Rosie shook her head 'no' "Open." Helena repeated with a warning edge to her tone and Rosie pouted but opened her mouth. After eating the bite she whimpered "I don't like to eat when I'm nervous. It gives me an upset stomach."
"You are skinny. Too skinny. You need meat on your bones. Relax and eat." Helena ordered and Rosie crossed her arms over her chest and pouted "Rose Bud, she's right. Now eat up. It's good." I encouraged and earned a lopsided smile and Rosie took a bite of bacon.
It took about three hours of coaxing for her to eat the majority of what I had given her. In the end Raphael texted me a link for a good deal on meal supplement drinks with a caption "Might save you many arguments". I chuckled and nodded then ordered several cases of the drinks.

"Have you ever flown before?" I asked Rosie as we got out of the car and started walking towards my private jet. She shook her head "no." She hadn't been much for conversation since breakfast. But I was being patient with her. After all, none of this situation was her idea or something she was familiar with.
"Are you scared baby?" I asked and she shook her head 'no' then nodded 'yes' and grabbed my hand. I smiled down at her "Daddy will always protect you. You have nothing to fear." I gently squeezed her hand and she smiled up at me. "Do you want me to hold you?" I offered and when she nodded and replied "Yes please, Daddy." My heart melted.

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