Hello, Dad?

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Lauren was nearly in tears by the time she had completed writing lines.
She had also decided it might be a good idea to go with shorter nails if she was going to have to write this much.
Her hands were cramping, and the ass hole body guard was not showing any signs of remorse for having put her through such torture.
She tossed the notebook and pen back to him, and he reviewed it, giving her a small approving smile. He wordlessly tucked the pen and notebook back into the invisible compartment and then opened his mouth to say something when his phone rang.
She noticed his creamy brown eyes lit with a smile as he answered, "Seth, happy to hear from you so soon." The annoying guard remained silent, only offering the occasional."Yes, Sir." And "No, Sir." Or "Of course, sir." By the time the call was finished, she was more irritated than before. She couldn't help herself, and once his phone was tucked back into his shirt pocket,  she mocked "Are you done, SIR?" He smirked at her and then opened the car door, offering for her to step out.
She did with a huff and was face to face with yet another mouth wateringly beautiful man. His facial structure said he was younger than her. Most likely only by five or so years. But his eyes commanded respect and spoke of an age greater than hers.
"You must be Lauren." He offered her a warm smile that, to her, seemed genuine.  She didn't expect gentleness after the last couple of  brutes.
"Hello, yes. I'm Lauren. And you are?" She gently shook his hand. "Seth, but you will call me Daddy." He made this statement so nonchalantly that it took her a second for it to click.
The punishments the guard had listed, the title this beautiful man just told her to call him by. She had heard of these lifestyles. Suddenly, she felt sick to her stomach. "Oh no." She whispered."What's wrong, baby?" The man, Seth, asked."I...I can't do this. You were wrong," She looked up at the guard "Juan would be a better fit for me. I...I can't be an adult baby!" She stammered
"Of course not," Seth gave her an encouraging smile and then added "that will come later." "Later?" She asked, starting to feel a panic attack coming on. "Yes, much much later. For now, let's head home and get you situated while we get to know each other. Come, climb into the car and buckle in." He motioned to another lemo directly behind him. Ash and I have business to discuss, I'll be just a minute." He added while she climbed into the car. She heard him and the guard talking and a couple of times laughing like old friends.
As he had said, it was only a few minutes later that he climbed into the car, gave the driver instructions on where to go, and then situated himself directly across from her.
Usually, she was the one in charge and directing the relationship at her own speed. Usually, she didn't socialize with these sorts of people with true dominant prosanas. She felt small and out of control, and she didn't know how to feel about it.
The way that Seth watched her reminded her of a lion watching the animal it was about to devour.
She couldn't maintain eye contact with him without feeling butterflies in her growling stomach.
She glanced behind him and noticed a clock that read 1400. Military time? Seriously? She scowled, and he chuckled. "What's going on in that pretty little head? You seem irritated about something." He commented, and she rolled her eyes, then pulled her cell phone out of her purse and checked the time. 2:00. She hasn't eaten in several hours. "How long of a drive is it?" She asked, and he replied,"Four hours. We will stop in a couple of hours at Dave's for some barbecue. Sound good?" He asked, and she nodded. She didn't really care what kind of food at this point. She just needed to eat.
"Tell me about yourself, Lauren. You and I will be spending quite a lot of time together. It's important to me that I know all that there is to know about my baby girl." He gave her an encouraging smile.
She sniffed dismissively. "There isn't much to say other than that I'm not going to be around that long that it would matter. Also, I'm nobody's 'baby girl'." She warned.
His smile vanished and he leaned forward so that his elbows were on his knees, his hands folded in front of his soft, plump and kissable lips, and he kept his eyes locked on hers as he spoke in a slow and low warning "First of all, you aren't going anywhere that I don't approve of. Second, you are now and forever will be, my baby girl. Whether or not you choose to accept this fate of yours is up to you. But I can guaren-damn-tee that I'm not letting you go. Not now, not ever. So, let's start again, tell me about yourself."
Lauren swallowed hard and then racked her brain, trying to figure out where to begin.

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