chapter 5

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I sprinted Out The door to Look for lightskin dude. I Look left And right He wasn't there I Look around The backyard And everywhere I could think of  I still couldn't find him So I gave up  And went back to The party   I haven't seen Rochelle  since We got here I decided to look for her. In the middle of my search for her I bumped  into someone by accident I turned around To apologize But once I saw Who It was That flew Out The window It was Her.
" watch where You going bitch" She said "excuse Me? " I asked cause I don't think I'm hearing her right " You heard me " she threw back " actually I Don't think I Did, would you  mind repeating That?" I asked taking a step  closer " I said watch where  You going Bitch " She repeated emphasizing The word bitch  " Are You sure Am The one That looks Like a dog " I said examining Her. now That Am actually close To Her She looks kind Of familiar like someone I was close with could it be?? I asked myself But I quickly dismissed the thought it just  couldn't be. "what's That supposed To mean? "She asked dumbly and I rolled my eyes at her. "It's supposed To mean That you're the bitch here " I smirked  "  you're  just jealous That your boyfriend left You for me" She said with a smug face. That was kind of childish of her to say actually." I could care less about him, you can keep him I already had him now you can do whatever you please he ain't nothing special "lies! I saw anger in her eyes as  walked away . But I didn't get too far cause the bitch grab my weave and pulled me back that was enough to anger me .  I turned around,  grab her by the shirt and punched her straight on the face she tried to throw one back but I wasn't having it I kept throwing punches I think  I triped cause the next thing I knew I was on the floor with her on top of me she threw a couple punches but I blocked them  I flip us over and started to beat the shit out of her I wasn't going to stop till I saw blood or at least some bruises.I was angry as hell!! How the fuck she's going to grab me like that and not expect to  get her ass whooped.  Next thing I knew someone took me off of her " let me go!!"  " let me go!!!" I screamed but the person didn't listen.she deserved more ass wooping that wasn't enough all my anger rised I was kicking everywhere screaming " let me at her !!" I yelled but the person holding me wasn't having it . I felt the wind hit my face I looked at my surroundings I was outside. My breathing was heavy I was still angry I turned around to go back inside to finish what I started but I was grabed by the waist " calm the fuck down  " a deep voice said " what the hell where you about to do to that girl?? " the voice said sending chills down my spine once again. " she deserved it " I said " and what did she do that was so bad that you almost killed her??" I looked up to find myself face to face with lightskin dude I shrugged " I was already  mad about everything and she just tip me off plus you can't say nothing you almost killed that boy earlier  "  "I had a reason and  I see that you went super saiyan on her ass " I laughed at that "I didn't take you as the type to watch dragon ball z" I teased " hey! Dont judge me that show is awesome " he said pouting I laughed again.  he  looked at me and smiled " Darren" he said " Cassie" I smiled at him."sorry " I said   " for what?"  " I don't know for the fight I got you in tonight " I blamed myself  " that was my decision not yours so don't blame yourself,am also sorry and what can I say  I love saving a damsel in distress  " he smirked saying the last part  i tried  not to blush at that  " thank you "  " no prob- " he was cut off by an angry looking Carl.Oh boy  why wasn't I surprise.  " what the fuck wrong with you?? " he growled  I rolled my eyes at him " nothing " I said simply shrugging. " I broke up with you and you go beat up my girl are you that fucking jealous " he yelled whith his busted lip and a black eye I almost laughed at him he looked funny "  if your  bitch knew how to keep  her hands to herself and close that mouth of hers next time maybe she wouldn't have gotten that ass beat" I said calmly  " Stay the fuck away from her or else " he threatened  " or else what?  " Darren jumped in   stepping closer to Carl,  something flashed in Carl eyes but he kept his mouth shut . " i dont give  a fu-" I was saying but I got  inturupted by her . " baby can we go home please " I looked at her and smirked I was proud of myself she had a black eye , a bleeding nose that looks like it was broken and a bunch of bruises on her face.  " sure let's  go babe " Carl said grabbing her hands and making his way to his car but not without giving me a warning look I rolled my eyes at that. 

" Oh My Gosh are you okay? " Rochelle asked making her way over to me with her boyfriend by her side. "yeah am fine can we go home now  please? "  I begged exasperated   " I already called trayvon he's on his way " she answered I swear I have the best bestfriend in the world " okay can I sleep at your house tonight I don't feel like  explaining anything to my brother tonight  " I asked  " I knew you were going to say that so I already called your brother and told him you were sleeping over " she said making me chuckle she always know how to save my ass.  " Thanks " I said sincerely
" no problem but you have a lot of explaining to do " she stated in a boss like tone and I knew she wouldn't let it go.

" I know" was all I said before trayvon pulled up I turned around and thanked Darren  before getting in the car with Rochelle and Travis I guess he was sleeping over also since it was already 2 am.  What a long  and crazy day  I thought before closing my eyes drifting into dream land.


I woke up the next day with a headheache.  I looked around realizing that I wasn't in my room but Rochelle room then everything came crashing down to mind. A grin grew on  my face once I remembered the fight and Darren.  I was glad he pulled me back because my anger can get the best of me at times.I can be a very nice person just don't cross me . I quickly got up to get ready and go home but I forgot about my headache , I felt dizzy once I got up. I waddled myself to the bathroom I took a 40 minute shower brush my teeth with the toothbrush i kept here I got dress in some Jean shorts and tank top that I left here the last time I slept over. I made my way down the hallway time the kitchen. I walked in the kitchen to find Rochelle and Travis making out on the counter with Travis topless and Rochelle in her Bra not a sight I want to see. " eww we eat here you  know " that startled them cause Travis jump bumping his head in the process while Rochelle stiffened with a blush appearing on her face. I busted out laughing that was just hilarious . They both threw a glare my way shutting  me up quick.  " was that really necessary ??" Rochelle ask  " yep cause that was hilarious " I said laughing she glared at me again " so what for breakfast? " I ask "cereal " Travis said  I looked at them with a serious face " seriously??!!?? "  " Yep " he said popping the p. He pick Rochelle off  the counter she wrap her legs  around him giggling and they made they way pass me to the guest room.  I  took out some honey nut Cheerios and some milk I poured it in the bowl and begin to eat.  When I was done with my third bowl I called hakeem to pick me up. 30 minutes Later he was outside I said goodbye to Rochelle and Travis and went out the door. When I got home I opened the front door only to meet two people I wasn't ready to see right now .

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