chapter 11

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*Anonymous p.o.v*
I still remember that night The Bitch might have forgot but I didn't. She ruined my life , she took the one person who cared for me away from me. I hate her I always will those little heartbreaks are nothing she just don't know, this is just the beginning . I had to start a whole new life because of her. But now am back!! she doesn't remember me I can tell but I never forgot her ass. She will pay for what she did she will suffer. I don't like seeing her happy , I've never been happy since that night so why should she. She doesn't deserve happiness she took away the only male figure I ever had away from me the only person who gave me happiness she took that away from me and she will pay for that. But first I need to get rid of that Darren nigga who seems to save her ass everytime things are going good; maybe I'll have a little fun with him before I do that i mean he is one fine ass peice of meat i cant lie and i bet he can do a lot in bed. Saturday didn't go as planned just because Darren wanted to play " captain save a hoe " but trust me what I had planned is going to go down and Darren can't stop me she will regret what she did that night. I'll never forget what my father said that night " make her pay princess make her regret she ever fucked with us " was what he said before he was taken away from me forever and that's exactly what I'll do she will regret putting my dad in jail. Cassandra Johnson you better watch out cause I'm coming for you and it won't be sweet at all.

*cassie p.o.v*

A week later

I need to get up and do something productive is what i have been telling myself all day but me being the lazy person i am i'm still in bed. It is now spring break time and am still inside my house while everyone is out having fun. I would go mess with Hakeem but he left about an hour ago to go meet up with Hailey (hakeem girlfriend) and once again my parents are not home they haven't been home all week they called every now and then to check up on us from london. sometimes i think they love work more than their own kids, Sad Right!! but what can i do about it i cant stop them from working and after all they are working for me and hakeem to provide us everything we need so i cant complain but i still wish they were here more often I miss them. I finaly decided to get up and took a shower in about half an hour i was done i got dressed and went downstairs into the kitchen to find food on the table for me.I guess Hakeem made lunch he made spaghetti and meatballs it was delicious when i was done i went out the door for a walk i wanted to call Darren to hang out but then i quickly changed my mind we seen each other two days ago i dont want to bother him *ding* my phone rang letting me know i had a text message i got all excited thinking it was Darren but it was from an unknown number and it read "you better watch out am done playing games you will pay" my eyebrows creased in confusion what the hell where they talking about they must have the wrong number i dont remmember doing anything to anyone i kept walking and started thinking ; who could of send me that message? how did they get my number? the only person who came to mind was carl he wasn't at school all last week nor was his little sidekick but i never did anything to carl actually its the other way around so what possibly will i pay for. i decided to stop thinking and continued to walk and enjoy the rest of my day i pass by the Quick Mart the corner store and decided to go in and buy some snacks the first thing i did was go to the candy aisle and bought two bags of mini bite snickers two medium size ones and three king size ones what can i say am addicted to snickers i brought some hersheys also then bought some chips and something to drink i paid for my snacks then made my way back home for some reason i started to feel paranoid i caught myself looking around everywhere i pass until i finally got home. i went inside it sounded quiet too quiet my heart started beating faster i openned the t.v to try and fill in the quietness then i put the snacks on the table in front of the t.v and sat down on the couch a rerun of the Flash was on so i started watching it i kind missed a couple of episodes so this was a good way to fill in. a couple hours later i heard a noise and my heart started beating fast again i try to think nothing of it and focus on the t.v but the noise continued, it sounded like it was comming from upstairs i took a bat from the kitchen and made my way up the stairs. half way up the stairs i heard the door open and closed i went back down the stairs to see who came in. i turned around the corner only to bump into someone i started screaming and swinging my bat it wasn't untill the person yellled stop i realized it was Hakeem and Hailey i stop swinging and looked at them their faces looked horrified i smile sheeplishly and said "Sorry" they were still looking at me horrified so i started to wave my hands in front of their faces that seemed to do the trick then Hakeem exploded "what the hell is wrong with you" he screamed " i said i was sorry" i said innocently hoping he would calm down that did the trick and he calmed down "I had left some food for you did you eat it" he asked "yeah thanks it tasted nasty though" i lied making a digusted face Hailey busted out laughing and he glared at her then turned back to me "stop lying you know my cooking is delicious" he said cockily" watever you say bro" i said before walking out the room and made my way up the stairs but i got scared again and ran back downstairs to Hakeem and Hailey who were now sitting on the couch eating my snacks "Hey!! put those down i did not buy it for yall" i scolded they ignored me and kept eating "uhm bro" i said nervously he looked at me and said "yeah?" "i'm kind of scared to go upstairs by myself" "why?" he asked " well that's kind of why i almost killed yall i heard a noise upstairs when i was about to check it out then yall came in so i went crazy" he looked at me weirdly then walked me upstairs he checked every room and corner before leading me to my room "what's going on?" he asked i looked at him confused "what do you mean?" "you don't get easily scared you only do when your paranoid so what happened?" wow i didn't even know he paid that much attention to me so i showed him the text message he looked just as confused as me earlier "do you know who it is?" "no" i said "well don't worry about it they probably got the wrong number" i nodded and he hugged me before going back down the stairs i turned on the lights to find my room trashed my clothes on the floor , papers all over the place, a broken chair, etc.... i screamed then i heard footsteps comming up the stairs then hakeem and hailey was standing by my side they looked around and their faces were shocked just like me. there was a note on my bed i picked it up and it read

you lucky you weren't here but next time you're done


someone you should of never fucked with.

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