chapter 13

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All i wanted in my life was happiness, even when i wasn't happy other people's happiness always put a smile on my face that's why i never cared if i was hurt or not. Im glad i was always a good person and not someone mean that did bad things just because of what others put me through at least now if i die I'll die a happy person and know i didn't leave a burden behind. Darkness was all i saw . where was I? i didn't even know. i tried to get up but a anonymous pain shot through my head and i had to sit back down my head was throbbing and there was pain all over my body i wrapped my arms around myself only to realize i had no clothes. That caught my attention and i flew up only to fall back down i felt dizzy and i was hungry. there was nothing to look at in that room it was dark like an abandoned house. i didn't want to cry but my eyes had a mind of its own. i should of stayed home was what first popped in my head i should waited on my brother am pretty sure he would of taken me to McDonald's and this wouldn't happen. Now am stuck God knows where!? lonely. while crying i heard a door open and closed i quickly got up and try to find a corner to hide but found none. then a light was turned on and i was face to face with a girl well not just any girl it was her Carl's hoe. she smirked looking at me "awe are you crying" she asked faking sincerity, i kept on looking at her quiet "So now you don't know how to talk your ass had a lot to say that night at the party you know the night i let you beat me" i scoffed at the last part let me beat her?!? what the fuck!!" Bitch i dimolish your ass on my own you didn't let me do shit your soft ass didn't have shit on me" i snarled my patience was wearing thin am hungry, naked, have a killer headache,and stuck in a room with a Bitch that makes my blood boils. she laughed at me like that's just the reaction she wanted from me. "where am I ??" i ask once she was done laughing at watever was funny. "you see i never liked you from the moment i met you " she said totally ignoring my question "And i never gave a fuck about you the moment i laid eyes on you now where the fuck am I? I shot back but once again i was ignored "i always knew you where a hoe well i mean that should be no supprise since you where one since we were little" she said confusing the hell out of me "what are you talking about?!" i asked confused "Dont act stupid Hoe you know exactly what am talking about your little fast ass got my father in jail just because you didn't know how to keep your legs closed" she shouted "what?!" i asked seriously what is she talking about??. "we used to be the Best of friends always inseparable but you had to ruin that" she continued "Bestfriends??!" i asked utterly confused "you dont remember me i already picked up on that but yes we used to be bestfriends until i moved away 9 years ago all cause of you !!" she said i still had no fucking idea what she was talking about. "we were a happy family i had the perfect mom, the perfect Dad and the perfect "Bestfriends" i mean thats all a six year old could ask for right? until one night all that went away when a little hoe name cassandra johnson decided she would open up her legs to my Dad then accuse him of rape" she continued her story while looking at me in the eyes i started feeling uncomfortable when her eyes drifted down my body i was fucking naked for God sakes they could of at least leave a pair of underwear.But then everything clicked i knew what she was talking about and i remembered who she is "Imany?!?" i questioned.
imany p.o.v
"imany?!?" she questioned so the Hoe finaly figured it " since Now you know who i am you also know the shit you caused my family" i said calmy "I didn't do shit to your family it was your perverted Father who couldnt keep his dick in his pants who wanted to rape a little girl who did that shit" she snarled. my blood boiled at her words and i slapped the shit out of her, she looked like she was about to do something but stopped herself and i took that opportunity to punch her i been waiting for years to get my hands and right now seemed like the best time she stumbled backwards but managed to keep herself up she swung but missed and lost balanced falling flat on her ass "FUCK!!!" she cursed and i got on top of her and started punching the living out of her. I was so angry that i didn't even notice carl walked in he grabbed me off her i was struggling for him to let me go but he had a strong Grip on me. i looked down at her and admired my work she had a bloody nose and she looked lifeless I wanted to kill her ass she doesn't deserve to live for what she's done to me and my family . she accused my father of rape when he didn't do shit to her how do i know ? cause he told me and i believe him. She thinks accusig someone of rape os funny then she have another thing comming "carl " i said and he put me down "have fun" i said before i left the room leaving him to have his fun.
cassie p.o.v
"carl" she said and he set her down "have fun" she said before leaving the room. HAVE FUN what the hell does she mean by that i started to panick my whole face hurt and my headache have gotten worse carl approach me and i scooted back his eyes roamed my body and i saw something flashed in his eyes lust i kept scooting back as he approched me his eyes landed on mines and he smirked my backed hit the wall and tears started falling. what did i do to deserve this. i can't have the same thing happening to again i pulled my knees up and started rocking myself back and forth wishing this was all a dream. he touch me and my head suddenly shut up meeting his eyes and i saw pitty in them. why should he pitty me he's working with her anyways , he should do what he wanted to do to me even though i didn't want him to. his next words shocked the hell out of me "lets get you out of here you don't deserve this " he said putting his hands out for me.

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