chapter 12

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9 years ago
"Mr Coleman what are you doing" i asked scared "dont worry its nothing you wouldn't like sweetheart " he said as his hands kept roaming my body i felt uncomfortable as his hands met my kitty thats when i knew i wouldn't like watever he was about to do. i sqirmed in his hand "stop !!!" i yelled "dont touch me get away from me " i screamed while tears left my eyes he paid no mind to me and kept doing what he was doing "helpppppp" i screamed as loud as a six year old can i guess that ticked him off because he he put a hand over my mouth to stop ne from screaming he ripped my skirt off and pulled down my panties i was terrified and started to shake and i was fulled out crying hos hands were still on my mouth i thought it would be smart to bite and i did it was hard enough to distract him for a second "shit!" he cursed i tried to escape by making a run for it but i was pulled back i screamed again but no one heard how can two people be in a house and not heard me screaming for help me. he slamed me across the wall and position himself against me the first thing i felt was pain as he inserted himself in me i screamed and my tears came faster he kept doing what he was doing groaning in pleasure while i stood there helpless then next thing i knew everything went black.
Back to present
"cassie!!" "cassie!!" "cassandra!!!" someone kept calling and shaking me but i was shocked the note that was in my hands fell and tears started falling at first i had no idea who could be after me but the ps. someone you should'nt have fucked with triggered my memory i remmember those words those were the words of Mr. coleman said before he was driven to jail i remmember him saying that to me that day when he was being arrested the words pop up in my head "you gone wish you never fucked with me" was what he said before he was put in the back of the police car but it can't be him he got 25 years in jail to say i was scared would be an understatement but that was nine years ago who possibly could it be cause i can't remember doing anything to anyone. i was lost in my thoughts i didn't even notice Hakeem hugging and comforting me "shhhh,shhh" "its okay" "everything is going to be okay" he said. after a few minutes of comfort i finally got my shit together. he patted me on the back and said"calm down cassie, it's going to be okay ." in my mind i wanted to snap you're not the one who was raped and have to deal with this bullshit, how do you know what's okay? but i bit my tongue and forced a smile at him. we decided not to call the police but you best believe i didn't sleep in my room tonight i slept in Hakeem room and he and hailey slept in the guest room. throughout the whole night i was paranoid every little thing i was ready to swing my bat,yes!! i brought my little baby with me its better to be safe than sorry. i beleive i started making imaginary noises in my head cause of how many times i swing my bat that night lets just say i didn't sleep at all that night.
2 days later

so its been two days since the little incident i had cleaned my room up the next morning which i did not enjoy. But anyways i didn't leave the house these two days , i know they know where i live but i didn't know where to go my bestfriends where out of town with their boyfriends sometimes i think they a little bit too grown for their age like who goes out of town with your boyfriend in highschool but who am i to judge. anywho i tried to call Darren because i wanted to spend time with and i feel safer around him but he didn't pick up i called 5 times i usually call people 2 times and leave it at that but no i just had to keep calling him and everytime i called and he didn't pick up i felt heartbroken i guess he has more important things to do plus he wasn't my nigga he's not entitled to pick up my calls . gruhhhhhh my stomach growled and me being the luckiest of all lucky people  i ran out of food and i was super hungry so i decided to head to McDonald's am pretty sure nothing will happen and the streets are busy so if something happened people will help me...............right? after getting ready i headed out, 20 minutes later i was inside ordering my food i decided to eat here instead of home, after eating a Big mac, a crispy ranch blt, a large oreo mcFlurry, large fries, a vanilla milkshake,those little mozzarella sticks and some Sprite to wash it all down. when i had enough i made my way home since it was getting dark i decided to take a shortcut home but i had a strange feeling someone was watching me i kept walking but with a little bit more speed and when i heard footsteps i started sprinting let me tell you exercing on a full stomach is not a great mix next thing i knew someone grab me by the hand and a sharp pain went through my head and all i saw was black..........

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