Chapter Fifteen The Next Morning

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Dang its bright. I think as I wake up. Rikers arm is around me while Rydel is up on her phone. I try and get her attention while trying not to wake Riker up. Then I realize I can just text her. I try to reach for my phone that was placed on the floor. I carefully reach over but its too hard to grab. I still continue to try to reach but I lean over a little too much and BANG. Im on the floor and Riker came with me. Rydel looks over and starts to laugh. Riker sits up and rubs his eyes. With his hair a mess, he scans the room real quick and realizes he is on the floor. "What the hell" Riker says confused. "Ummm" I said trying to remember how we ended up on the floor. Mind block, it happens to me all the time. "Oh yeah I was trying to get Rydel's attention without waking you up. So I was reaching for my phone but as you can see that didnt work out very well" I said. "Awee babe you tried not to wake me up" Riker says. Oh my gowd he called me babe. Babe, I think I can get used to that. "Haha fail" Rydel says. I laugh. For once I finally feel close to someone. I was close to Bridget but we havent talked. And I am close to Dani but we havent talked that much since my dad died. Me and Riker both get up from the floor. Once we both were standing up I turn facing Riker. "Goodmorning sunshine" I say as I peck him on the cheek. "Goodmorning" He replies in a sexy morning voice. Ugh the struggle. Riker rubs his eyes and stretches. He stretched his arms out and put them around me. I think I was about to cry of happiness because things were finally looking up. "So whats for breakfast?" Riker asked looking at Rydel. I turn around to Rydel and said. "This is a job for the Dynamic Duo!" I put my right hand on my hip and my left hand in a fist with my arm in the air to make a superhero pose. "Yesss go GIRL POWER." Rydel shouts but not to loud because everyone else was sleeping. I leaped over to Rydel and we headed into the kitchen. "Rydel you are one of my new best friends" I say as I get out the ingredients to make pancakes. "Yayy! And I guess were making pancakes?" She asked. "Yeah Im planning to put a smiley with heart eyes for Riker." I say as I blush. "Ohhh I see. Well arent you just the sweetest girlfriend. He may be my brother but if he hurts you, Imma beat him up." Rydel said lookong all tough. "Dont worry I can handle it. But Oh my gosh you have no idea how happy Im feeling" I said while putting the pancake batter into the pan. "Your right I dont" Rydel said. I get confused for a second because most people would be like 'oh trust me I know how you feel' or 'Yeah I know how you feel, the same thing happened to me.' But she just agreed. "What do you mean." I ask her. "I have no idea what your feeling." She replied simply. "Like how. Like im sure you have been throught the same feeling" I said. "I have never had a boyfriend" Rydel said. "Whaaaat your the prettiest girl I have ever met. Good for you anyways, boys are stupid." I say with confusion and then pride. "Haha you say that even though your dating one. And yeah but the fans see me as a romodel for it and Im kinda happy that they do" Rydel said. "Oh well good for you anyways do you like anyone" I ask. "Well theres someone but its not safe here I will tell you later." Rydel said. I look at the pancake and realize its time to flip. I these recent events as a starting of a new journey. This is gonna be a lomg but fun ride.

Hey guys! Sorry this chapter was kinda short, my phone is charging and its annoying me. And Im sorry I dont update that much. I have been really busy because Im being kicked out of my house and were kinda packing last minute. Anyways im sorry my book isnt as good as most books. But after this book Im gonna make an even better fanfic. And after that Im gonna start a sequel to this one! Yayy so much plans. Please vote, follow, and etc. Love you guys bye!

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