Chapter Seven The Next Morning

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I sat up into my bed and reached over to my night stand to check my phone. Sunday September 8th 11:40 a.m. "Oh gosh its almost lunch time" I said to myself. I pushed off the covers and got out of bed. I went to the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth and all that shiz. When I finished I got changed into my clothing. And went downstairs to eat breakfast. I poured some Honey Nut Cheerios into a bowl along with some milk. As I ate I couldnt stop thinking of last night. Rikers family was awesome. They all lived together so happy. Just like those families in the movies, but better. I wish that I could have a family like his. My whole family is broken up. Riker is so lucky to have a family like his.When I was there the word girlfriend seemed to be tossed around alot. I seemed to blush everytime. I noticed Riker did too. Riker also got very defensive each time it was. As if I were to be his girlfriend was a bad thing. I mean I never was the kinda girl who always got the guy. But I never thought I was that bad. Whatever, it doesnt matter. Not like I care. Were just friends, right? Riker is a good guy though. Im pretty happy he came into my life. Its funny how I never saw him around school. I mean were both 18. He should be a senior just like me. I dont know I guess I will just ask him. Ughhh thats right we have school tomorrow! I finished my cereal so I put the bowl into the sink and grabbed my phone. Just as I was heading upstairs, my phone vibrated. I looked at my phone, it was Riker. Of course it was Riker.. I feel like he is the only person who talks to me now... My best friend Danielle and I havent talked to eachother in a while. Im gonna have to catch up with her.  Maybe even have her meet Riker.  Anyways, I checked to see what the text said:

[Riker: Hey whats up?]

[Me: Nothing much just finished eating breakfast, or brunch I think]

[Riker: Cool, I know you just came to my house yesterday but would you like to hang out?]

[Me: Well I dont have anything to do today, so sure! :)]

[Riker: Great Ill be there in ten min :p]

[Me:Okay well see ya!]

Sorry if the chapter was too short but Ill make sure to make the next Chapter longer than this! Thanks for reading I really hope you like the story so far!! :)

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