Chapter Eighteen Childish Challenge

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This chapter will be written out differently! Mainly so the words arent all piled up for you guys to understand more! I improve and make changes as I go. So hope you like it!

Riker and I got into the car and headed to the Lynches house, so we can park the car there, and walk.

Once we parked the car, we started to walk. "Uh oh you broke your moms back!" I said and giggled like a little school girl

We stopped for a moment as Riker started to get very confused. I pointed to his feet.

"May I ask, what in the hell you are talking about." Riker said still confused. I laughed, because im feeling very childish at the moment.

"When you step on a crack you break your moms back" I said still giggling. Yup, childish is most definitley the mood I am in right now.

"Oh so you wanna be childish right now? Ill show you childish!" Riker says competitively.

"Is this a challenge" I asked.

"I dont know? Is it?"He said. That kind a confused me but Im taking it as a yes.

"Ill take that as a yes" I said. Before you know it he shouted "TICKLE MONSTER!!"

He started tickling my belly. I laughed so hard that it hurt. When I finally found a way to block my belly he went for the neck. And then I blocked my neck but he went right back for the belly.

I tried screaming so that he would back away. I mean, we're in public, when you hear someone screaming you stare. Since there was no one really around us he didnt stop. So finally I had to do something to really stop it. I kicked him in the ankle.

"Oh Fuck shit fuck!" He shouted while hopping on one foot and holding his ankle.

"Did you really have to do that?" He asked while in pain.

"Yes, you were tickling me when I asked you stop. And you didnt so I had to do something." I said and stuck my tongue out.

"Well fuck you!" He said as he put a middle finger up. "Right back at ya buddy" I stuck my finger up.

"By the way, IM TELLING" I shouted. He wanted childish, I gave him childish. "Oh yeah who you gonna tell?" He asked.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Stormie's number. I put it on speaker so Riker could hear.

The number dialed. "Hello?" A womans voice said. "Hi Stormie! Your son flipped me off and he also cursed at me" I said.

"Can I talk to him?" She asked. "Its on speaker so he can hear everything your saying." I said.

"Oh thanks. Riker honey your not supposed to flip a girl off. Especially if shes your girlfriend"

"But she kicked me in the ankle!" He pouted. "Because you, were tickling me! And you wouldnt stop!" I shouted.

You probably think were crazy. But thats okay, I think were crazy too.

"Well what else was she supposed to do? Hun you were tickling the poor girl" She said.

I stuck my tongue out at Riker. "But but but but but mom!" Riker complained. "No if, ands, or buts, you guys sound like five year olds" Stormie said.

"No she only does!" Riker continued. I just continued to laugh at his ridiculousness. "Well I have to go. You guys figure this out yourselves. Bye Brianna" Stormie said. "Bye Mrs Lynch have a great day!" I said.

I hung up the phone. "Hahaha I win!" I teased. "Shutup" He said.

"Hahaha you lost" I continued to tease. "Cmon lets stop this stupid challenge and continue our day" Riker said with his cheeks all red.

"Your just mad. But whatever I still won" I said. "Just comeover here." Riker said.

I went over to Riker and he put his arm around me and we continued to walk. Just keep in mind, that I still won.

Hey Guys! I really wasnt sure to do for this chapter so sorry its bad. I hope you still liked it anyways! Todays moving day. So im pretty busy. Remember to Vote, comment, and etc. Byeee Babes!

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