Chapter Eight Sunday Hangout

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I ran down the stairs and out the door. I waited on the steps in the front. A few mins later, there Riker was arriving around the corner with the wind blowing in his face making his bangs press up against his forehead. He actually looked pretty attractive. I mean Riker always had looked attractive, but I dont know there was just something different about him. I guess im just viewing him differently.  "Hi" I said as I waved to Riker with a big smile on my face. "Hey how are ya?" Riker asked smiling back. "Im good, could never have been better!" For some reason Im in a really good mood. "Thats great to hear, where do ya wanna go?" Riker asked. "Hmm, Im not sure maybe we could just walk around" I suggested. "Okay sounds fun"  Riker replied. We started to walk, we didnt really talk. Riker looked like he had something on his mind. It was weird. "So Riker how come I havent seen you around school?" I asked. "What? Oh I have a late birthday Im going to be 19 on November 11th." Riker said while waking up from his daydream. "Ohh okay that explains alot. What are you thinking about?" I asked. "Oh nothing.. Im just a little tired thats all." Riker said. "Riker, I may have just met you a while ago. But Im not stupid, I can tell you have something on your mind. Something that may be holding you back." I said trying to get him to spit out his feelings. "Trust me its.. Nothing" Riker said looking down. "Riker, dont be afraid to tell me. You can trust me, I care about you. You cheered me up and Im here to do the same." I said. What I said was really deep, but I meant every word I said. I really do care about Riker. He is the best thing thats ever happened to me after my fathers death. "I know, and I do trust you. If anything was wrong I would tell you. I just daydream sometimes and tune out everything around me. Im like that sometimes" Riker said while he looked into my eyes with a straight face. "Uh, okay. Sorry for assuming." I said in shock. He looked really serious when he said that to me he looked straight at me. I never saw anything like it. Riker is a very optimistic and happy person, I just never saw him like this. Its my turn to do the cheering up. "Hey! Lets go have some hot cocoa!" I said smiling at Riker. He took me out to have hot cocoa when he cheered me up, now its my turn to go and cheer him up. This has to work. "Okay... Wait a minute. Is this your way of trying to cheer me up or something. Well it isnt gonna work" Riker said knowing I was up to something. "Well, no. I just was kinda cold because its chilly out today. But I guess cheering you up can be a bonus."  I responded. Even though I was kinda cold. I was only doing this to cheer him up, the warm hot cocoa is a bonus. We arrived at the cafe, I held the door open for Riker and pulled out a chair for him to sit down in. I went up to the counter and asked for two hot cocoas. "Wait let me pay for it!" Riker exclaimed while pulling out his wallet. "No im buying put the wallet away." I demanded. I got out my money and handed it to the guy behind the counter. "Thanks" I said as the guy behind the counter handed me the two hot cocoas. "One cocoa for the gentleman" I said to Riker as I put a hot cocoa down on the table infront of Riker. If you didnt catch on already is Im reenacting the day I met Riker but its me trying to cheer him up. I saw Riker grin when I set the hot cocoa down by him. I sat down with my hot cocoa and took a sip. Im pretty sure he's down about a girl so I might as well ask him if he likes somebody. "So Riker do you like anybody?" I asked. "Well.. Wait a second you think this is about a girl dont you?" He asked. I swear this guy can see right through me, which gives me no choice but to lie. "What no! I just wanna bring something up besides your sadness that you call 'daydreaming'." I said. "Ohh well then in that case.." Riker says. He may see right through me but he is pretty gullible. "Continue" I said. "Yeah I do like a girl" Riker said. A surprised look appears on my face and a feeling of jealousy pops up. Why do I feel jealous? I honestly dont know. I think I may... OH MY GOSH I LIKE RIKER. This is horrible, because he likes a girl, and here I am interferring.  "Oh my gosh really? Tell me all about her. I wanna hear everything." I say trying to be happy for him. " Shes amazing. We just met like a little while ago but she has the best personality ever and the prettiest eyes I just wanna tell her how I feel but Im trying to find the right time." Riker said very passionatley. "Wow Riker thats deep. You need to tell her how you feel." I said reaching over to gently rub his shoulder for comfort. Its crazy Im just realizing I like Riker and he is telling me about this mystery girl he really cares about. I already know someone is gonna get hurt in this mess and it most likely is going to be me. A feeling of hurt was aching in my heart. "But what if she doesnt feel the same. What if she has her eyes on someone else." Riker said with a look of worry on his face. " Riker, your the most amazing guy I ever met, everything about you is just wonderful. Im promising you she will be lucky to have you and if she doesnt feel the same she was never worth your love anyways." I said with hurt crawling through my body. "Thanks" Riker said with a smile slowly appearing back on his face. That girl he likes may be lucky but  she isnt as lucky as me. The smile I just put on his face made me feel like a million bucks. I will always be one to make him smile. "Well I have to go home now I just got a text from Rydel saying she needed something, I guess I will walk you home." Riker said. "No, no no. Im gonna walk you home." I said. Riker started to laugh. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Im positive." I said with a smile. I opened the door and walked him home.

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