Chapter 5 Dinner Time

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(WARNING:This is going to be a sorta long chapter) Ring Ring. I looked at my phone to see who was calling me. The person calling me was Riker.
Me: Hi.
Riker: Hey, be ready. Im going to leave in 30 minutes.
Me: Um ok see ya in a little while
Riker: Okay bye
I ended the call. "Oh no I have to get ready" I said to myself. "What should I wear?!" I exclaimed. "Oh this is nice, I think Ill wear it" I said talking to myself. The outfit I picked out was just casual but not too casual. It was a nice blue crop top with floral patterns and I put a tank top under with blue jeans and black boots. So I got my clothes on and did my makeup and brushed my hair straight. Soon enough, 30 minutes passed by and my phone started to ring.
Me: Hello
Riker: Im right around the corner. I hope your ready.
Me: Okay, I will hurry out.
Riker: Hope so, goodbye now.
Me: Bye.
I ran downstairs and went outside. There Riker was, just arriving. "Hey" Riker said. "Hey" I said back. "You look nice" Riker said with a smile. "Thanks" I said worriedly. "Why do you look so scared?"Riker asked me. "What do you mean? Im not scared." I said nervously and looked away. "Cmon don't be nervous" Riker said. "Well what if your family doesn't like me" I asked. "Oh stop it with that. There really gonna like you, plus why do you care so much?" Riker asked. "I dont know I just do" I said. "Well just remember, theres nothing to worry about." Riker said as he stopped to put his hand on my shoulder and looked me in the eye. I looked Riker right back in the eye. There was a big moment of silence. I shook my head and said wth a side of uncertainty "Ok, I guess." "You dont sound too sure of it." Riker said with a light nudge. "Well if I just put a smile on my face and be the best version of me Im sure they will like me" I said. "Thats more like it" Riker said. I giggled. "Well were here, viola" Riker said as he pointed out to the neat little but not too little house standing in front of us. "Wow we got here in like less than five minutes, I didn't realize you lived that close." I said. "Well I guess now ya know" Riker said. "Yeah I guess." I answered. Riker guided me to the front door and held it open as he said "Ladies first.". I stepped inside the warm little house. It was actually really big on the inside. I looked around a minute as Riker closed the door behind us. "I know, its bigger than it appears on the outside" Riker said almost as if he were reading my mind. He led me into the kitchen where a blonde lady was cooking food. "Brianna, this is my lovely mother Stormie." Riker said. "Well hello Mrs. Lynch." I said and smiled. "Hello Brianna, Riker has told me all about you. Wow I didnt realize Riker could get such a pretty girl." Stormie said. I blushed. "Mom, she isn't my girlfriend." Riker said also blushing. "Thanks, anyways Mrs. Lynch that was very flattering of you to say." I told Stormie still blushing. "Any time, and you can just call me Stormie" She said with a smile. "Okay well, I would like for you to meet my father Mark, but he couldnt make it here tonight but I can introduce you to my siblings that are over there in the living room." Riker said. "Okay well it was nice meeting you Stormie." I said shaking her hand. "My pleasure" She responded. Riker directed me into the living room were a group of f boys and three girls sat. "Hey guys this is Brianna" Riker said "Hello everyone" I said and smiled. "Hi" everyone responded "Oh Riker you didnt tell me you had a girlfriend especially a hot chick lke this one" The guy with the brown long hair said. Once again, I started to blush. " Rocky, First of all she isnt my girlfriend, just a very close friend. And second of all she is very pretty but its disrespectful to just call a girl a 'hot chick' " Riker said with a stern face but he started blushing anyways. I honestly didnt mind him calling me hot but I guess Riker is just a classy guy. Thats one of the things that make him incredibly cool, well in my opinion. I am also very surprised that he said that I was a 'very' close friend. I mean their is nothing wrong with that its just that we have only known eachother for like two weeks. "Relax dude it was just a joke, but yes she does look pretty nice" Rocky said. "Thanks" I said just before Riker can get a word in. "Your very welcome" Rocky said. One of the girls looked up at Rocky annoyed as if she were jealous. "Anyways, let me introduce you to everyone." Riker said he started pointing out to the people as he said there names. "My brothers Ryland,Ross, and Rocky. Then theres my sister Rydel, and our friend Ellington but we just call him Ratliff. Then thats Bridget Ross's girlfriend, and Alexa Rockys girlfriend." Everyone waved or said hi as Riker pointed them out. Stormie came in and said, "Dinner is ready to be served." Everyone started walking into the dining room. When we arrived I had no idea where to go or sit so I just followed Riker and sat next to him. The table was sorta big with lots of chairs. But its a big family so I guess thats why and Im sure there used to having guests over so thats probably also why. Riker and Ryland both got up and brought in the the food, It all smelt so good. Nothing like the food I had at home. My mom wasn't that good of a cook. She always gives me things that are healthy with no fats or anything. I never say anything because if I did I would get a whole lecture on how ungrateful I am. Everyone started putting pieces of chicken and vegetables on plates and stuff like that. I didnt want to be rude so I let everyone go before me. "Hey you want me to help you out, like put the stuff you want on your plate?" Riker asked "No than.."Just as I was about to say No thanks Riker just grabbed my plate and started putting stuff on it. "Well okay" I said sarcastically. "Do you want gravy on your mashed potatoes?" he asked "No thanks " I replied scared he was gonna just put gravy on my mashed potatoes anyway. He set down my plate infront of me. "Thank you" I said as I smiled at him. "My pleasure. Thats not too much right?" Rikers asked "No its just enough" I said. I started to eat. I looked around the table and just as I was halfway through my meal mist of the boys were already done. Riker was the only guy not done but halfway through his meal just like me. As I said, he is just a classy guy, which gave him quite a bit of charm. Once I was finished eating, Stormie asked if I wanted desert. I honestly did but I had to go home or I would get a strict lecture on how I said I would be home at whatever time, yet when my mom said she would pick me up at a specific time from somewhere she is always late. Enough about my mom though. "I have to go home now, but thank you everyone for the wonderful time" I said. I exchanged number with Bridget and Rydel. Alexa didnt seem to into me so I didnt seem to bother asking her for hers. "Shall I walk you home?" Riker asked. Ross looked at Riker with a stare that kinda said "Aweee Riker you like her" And Riker looked back at Ross with a look that said. "Shut your face I dont like her stop embarrassing me!" I almost giggled but held it back "Sure, I would love it " We started walking to my house. I really liked being around Rikers family, they seemed so cool. We hadnt talked the whole walk home, which was sorta strange. We only said goodbye. I came inside and said hi to my mom and went up to my room.

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