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This font means present.

3rd P.O.V

adjective: persistent

continuing firmly or obstinately in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.

It was nearing the end of 1st year of senior high, the past few months Miya Atsumu was persistent to have L/n Y/n at his hands, dancing on his palms while he smirks devilishly watching how he's in control, but there was no avail. L/n Y/n controlled her own strings of fate, her tips of her fingers made her life dance. He couldn't get her under his control.

"Wait up!" He caught up to the female who he chased, his palm touching her left top shoulder, her receptors acting by itself swatting his hands away. He had his usual grin, his hands on the back of his heads, he turned to meet her eyes to only see how the sun hits her face, a heavenly sight. Atsumu noticed how Y/n wasn't using her headphones rather earphones, his face wore a confused face which Y/n quickly picked up on.

"Got any question Miya?" Her voice was the same, harsh and cold, but had he noticed the gaze she gave. Had he noticed the slight differences. Had he noticed her small actions. He never had, he was too focused on his selfish goal to please himself. She waited for his answer, staring right into his eyes, she just noticed how beautiful his eyes were. 'If only his personality wasn't shitty.' She was getting impatient when he didn't answer.

"Why're ya wearin' earphones?" He finally asked, she released a sigh that she had been holding for seconds. She didn't know the answer to that question, where was no a proper 'because' to it. She couldn't find an answer he wanted to receive, his question to her was like puzzling that line in a poem. She blinked her eyes in a fast way, astounded by the question.

"Huh?" Atsumu's eyes widened just noticing how dumb his question was quickly waving his hands over her face meaning that she didn't need to answer it. "I guess I just wanted earphones." Her voice was soft because she didn't know a proper answer, she noticed that there was a difference in his tone. It seemed like he wanted to truly know more about her.

'I should have known that you didn't care at all.' Walking around her room, pacing fast.

The two arrived at the school gates of Inarizaki High, Kita Shinsuke watches how his junior walked with the same girl every morning arriving to school earlier than usual. This benefited the younger twin not having to walk with his brother, hearing the blond's rants every-time they walked to school. Though this gave a disadvantage to Suna not having videos of the twins bickering.

"Why do you always want to ask such stupid questions?" Y/n finally asked the question she had been holding on for so long. The feeling of the question being asked was like a heavy feeling off her chest, a heavy rock removed from her heart. She wanted an answer at the same time but there was a feeling inside her that didn't want it. Her heart pounded heavily, it felt so long til he answered.

"Because I want to know more about you." There was like an arrow struck to her chest upon hearing his answer, she fell too deep. Too deep. How was she gonna go out? In his trap she fell slowly, her hand reaching out for help, someone drag her out of her misery. She closed her eyes as she fell into his web of lies.

'Fuck. I knew it. I knew it. I should have trusted myself. I fucking hate this, being pain for someone who doesn't even care about you.' Punching the wall, her knuckles bled, she clenched her fist tightly watching the blood drip from her knuckles.

"You're so goddamn persistent." Admitting the truth about him, but she was happy inside, but at the same time a part of herself wanted to push him away. He beamed an innocent smile, pushing away his grin, her heart fluttered, it was like he knew her soft spots. She questioned if he was actually observant or unintentionally hitting her soft spots.

"Well just say "yes" then!" He was dumb at his persuasion techniques but how could he soften her heart. Just how could he had fooled the girl who knew everything but love.

"Fuck!" She yelled again and again, her throat dry, her lungs burning.

"Your persuasion skills are the shittiest I've ever seen." She smirked and gave him a playful look. He was shocked by her wording, he questioned himself if he just liked getting degraded, shaking his head at the thoughts. His cheeks went ablaze as he imagined unholy thoughts that travelled across his mind, his brain all over the place.

"Oi! What are you all getting red for idiot?" Y/n's voice was the usual but it didn't hint a bit of anger nor irritation. She smacked his head when he got more red and nervous, the lady was agitated by his actions. "Oi Miya! Calm down you idiot!" She said the to him while she couldn't even stop her beating heart.

'I want to stop my heart from beating.' Her suicidal thoughts filled her head. Too much anguish for her to bear, she gives up the life she was given.

"Tch." She walked quickly distancing herself away from the blond haired male who was still in a blushing mess, Ojiro, Akagi and Kita who saw this made their hearts drop. They all knew what game their junior was playing, even though they'll try to stop him, he's Miya Atsumu head harder than a diamond. A tough nut to crack indeed.

'You cracked my heart as if it was nothing.' Her mind slowly dying, her tears brimming at her eyes.

"He's too persistent." Muttering underneath her breath, she refused the fact her heart was beating once again. Breaking through those walls that she built, he made his way in to her heart like there was never a barrier that was in front of him. He elegantly walked to her heart as if there was a red carpet, he smirked knowing he was getting hand of the red strings of fate for her heart. Like a puppeteer he'll control her, but does he know who truly controls the red string of fate of her life.

'You broke through those walls like how you did to my heart.' There she stood in front of the mirror, killing herself inside, closing her eyes as she once again embraced the sadness that filled her in like a water filling in a glass.

Licking his lips as he smirks viciously his eyes turned dark as he thinks ominously, "You'll be my puppet." He watches her figure enter the school doors. Little does he know that sometimes, even the one who sets the trap falls. He made it for himself deadly as well, unknown to the consequences of what might happen.

She stands in front of the mirror crying, she knew all along so why didn't she stop it.

Now I know that a love too deep brings a sad ending. (Chanyeol & Chen If We Love Again)

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