four (2nd)

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Jisung was once again getting sadder and clingier as the day passed by. The summer vacation was near to end and another school year is going to start, and it only means one thing— He and Chenle will part ways again. Chenle will go back to the city and he will stay in the province.

Jisung startled in his place when he felt a cold, wet thing touched his cheeks. He looked at the direction where it came from, he saw a cold Coca-Cola Coke Zero can and the person that was holding it was Chenle.

"You look occupied," said Chenle as he sat beside Jisung at the hammock and then he handed the coca-cola can to Jisung. The farm was peaceful. They could hear the chirping of the birds and the warm breeze of the wind. Chenle looked at Jisung and the younger was playing the can in his big hands. "Mind sharing what's on your mind?"

Jisung bowed his head as his faces gets redder. No, he can't say that he's sad that the older will go away again and that he'll miss him so much. He just can't.

Jisung shook his head slowly to the older.

"Really, Ji, you can tell me everything. I won't judge," said Chenle, convincing the younger as he looked at him.

"It's not important. Just a nonsens thought," Jisung replied because he doesn't want to tell the older that reason why he was occupied awhile ago. It's too childish for Jisung but that was he's really feeling as of the moment. He doesn't want Chenle to think that he's a clingy kid.

Chenle didn't believe Jisung's answers, so he stared at him intensely. Since he's been friends with Jisung since they were young, he knows what to do to make the younger confess to him very well, and that is to stare at him intensely that it'll make him very uncomfortable until he finally confessed.

The younger was avoiding Chenle's intense stares. It's uncomfortable. He knows that the older was doing this to make him speak what's on his mind s few minutes ago.

"Chenle, stop that."

"No, I won't," Chenle answered with a firm tone. "I won't stop looking at you like this until you tell me what was on your mind earlier—"

Chenle stopped on talking when Jisung suddenly hugged him that made the older taken aback. Jisung buried his face on the older's shoulder, secretly sniffing Chenle's scent.

"With this, you can't stare at me," said Jisung beneath Chenle.

The younger then felt Chenle's shoulder move, he was chuckling. "Okay, you won, Jisung."

Chenle didn't expect that the younger will hide his face from him by hugging him. What Jisung was thinking must be a really big secret or problem that bothers him too much to not tell him.

Chenle wanted to cup the younger's cheeks to make him face him and stare at him again but it just felt so good to be hugged.

Even if it's the warmest season of the year, Chenle still feel comfortable making skinship and being hugged by Jisung.

The younger's hugs was one of the most comfortable feeling to him, it's like the bolster that he hug every night to sleep.

It was a long comforting silence between them.

"Chenle..." Jisung called Chenle with a gentle voice as his hug gets tighter.


"Can you just stay here?" Jisung asked. He couldn't keep it in anymore, he was so eager to ask this question to the older.

He may sound like a whiny kid, but he really doesn't want Chenle to go again.

He should be use to this kind of setup, meeting during summer, because they've been away from each other for so long. But for some reasons, he was not.

Jisung was yearning for Chenle.

Chenle was stunned at his place. He couldn't answer the younger's question because the decision whether he stay here or not relies on his parents. He wasn't old for them to let him live alone in this province. He's just a 15-year-old teenager. What can he do?

"Can you just study here, Chenle?" Jisung added, the tone of his voice was becoming more pleading.

"If I can, I'll gladly stay here," Chenle answered after clearing his throat. "Soon, if my parents let me then I will."

Jisung held tightly on the hem of Chenle's shirt. "Can I come with you instead?"

Chenle sighed in sadness. "We know very well that Vice won't let you live alone. You're just 14, Jisung."

Jisung pulled away from the hug and he looked at Chenle with pleading, sad eyes.

"I don't want to miss you," said Jisung. "I hate that feeling."

Chenle couldn't reply to Jisung, he felt that something was stuck in his throat that forbid him to speak.

"I hate missing you. I hate worrying that you won't come back here again," Jisung added. "I hate it Chenle... What can I do? I don't want to miss you again."

Chenle heave a deep breath. He's trying to compose himself. "We can talk everyday through the phone or chat. There are lots of ways, Ji."

"I promise, we will call each other everyday, okay?" Chenle reassured Jisung. "Once the summer vacation starts, I'll be back here immediately, hm?"

Jisung looks defeated. He couldn't make Chenle stay and he couldn't go with Chenle.

Jisung looked down. "I'm... I'm sorry, I'm being childish."

Chenle doesn't want to see Jisung sad and defeated. In fact, he likes this clingy part of him because he rarely sees this. Jisung was always composed and calm and he doesn't do skinships often.

Chenle cupped the younger's cheeks and made him look at him.

Chenle pecked a kiss onto the younger's forehead. "We'll see each other everyday even though we're far away from each other, hm?"

"We will do everything and try every way not to miss each other, okay?" Then he picked another kiss onto the younger's soft cheeks.

Jisung slowly nodded as a smile form in his lips. "Okay, Chenle."

And the summer that year ended with a warm goodbye kiss.

the end of summer of 2017

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