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It's been a week since Jisung's party happened. It's been a week since Chenle came back to their province. It's been also a week since Chenle started to go to Jisung's house every day to look for him. It's been also a week since Jisung decided to hide from the lad.

Jisung doesn't know why, but he didn't want to face the older yet. He doesn't know what to say or do in front of him, it would be awkward, so he decided not to show himself up to the older and hide every time he came to their house.

Jisung went down. It was past lunchtime already and Chenle hasn't come to his house which only means one thing— Chenle won't be coming today. The older normally comes every morning, around 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM, but this time he didn't which makes Jisung thought that he got tired of visiting him and going to him.

Jisung was supposed to be happy now that he's not around but why does he felt a little incomplete?

Jisung walked for 10 minutes while he was holding his book titled The Count of Monte Cristo on the way to their farm. He was just rereading it since he hadn't gone to town yet to buy a new book.

Jisung, then, finally reached their farm. He decided to read here to enjoy the fresh air since he couldn't go out during the past seven days because he was avoiding Chenle. Now that the lad didn't visit him, he decided to go out. He could see every crops that was planted, every tree that bears fruit, and farm animals where others are resting, others are eating, and the others are having their bathe.

Jisung went to the two big trees and sat at the hammock that was tied between the two trees. He lied there and swayed himself a little bit then after that, he opened the book and started to read it again.

Jisung was reading peacefully under the tree when someone blocked the sunlight. He put down the book on his stomach and looked up above to see who was the person the blocked the sunlight.

Jisung's eyes then widened.

"Aha! Finally, I see you!"

Jisung was struck in his place.

How did Chenle find me here? Jisung asked himself.

"You finally came out of your room," said the 14-year-old Chenle.

Jisung just looked at him. It was more like he stared blankly at the lad.

"Can you move a little? I wanna sit," said Chenle. "It's hard to find this location because I couldn't remember this place anymore."

Jisung remained silent and he sat on the hammock and moved on the side to give Chenle space to sit down. He wanted to stand up and walk back to his house but his body doesn't seem to follow.

Chenle sat beside him. He felt the older's smooth skin touched his.

Jisung went back to reading his book. Jisung was trying so hard to ignore the presence of the older. He was ignoring it by reading the book and put all his focus on it.

Chenle stared at the younger. He was staring passionately at the lad.

How long has it been since the last time he saw Jisung? That was way back in 2010 and it's 2016 already. It's been six years already and Jisung has grown so much. He's now taller than him.

"You grow up a lot," said Chenle, but the lad remained silent and focused on his book.

Chenle was quite surprised to see Jisung acting this way to him. The Jisung he remembered was clingy. The Jisung remembered would talk to him all day. The Jisung he remembered was very far from the Jisung who was sitting beside him.

This Jisung was distant to him.

"Do you like that book?" Chenle asked and again, no response.

"Do you enjoy reading?" Chenle asked again, but there was still no response from the younger.

Jisung flipped to the next page.

"Do you enjoy that genre?" Asked Chenle. He was persistent to make the younger talk to him.

Even just one word, Jisung. Chenle wished.

"What is that book about? Can you tell me about it?"

Jisung sighed and he finally looked back at the lad. Chenle was smiling widely at him.

"Can't you see I'm reading?" Asked Jisung flatly and then he went back on reading.

Chenle pouted. "I'm just asking..."

"Am I disturbing you?" Chenle asked again.

"Should I leave now?" Chenle added.

Jisung placed a bookmark on the book and then he closed it. He then grabbed his phone and earphones from pocket. Chenle thought at first that Jisung had enough of his noisiness that he decided to put an earphones to block any noises that were coming out from his mouth but he was wrong, Jisung put the earphones in his ears.

"Listen to this," said Jisung after he put in the earphones at Chenle's ears. The younger then played a song on his phone.

I promise that one day I'll be around
I'll keep you safe
I'll keep you sound

Chenle was struck at first. Jisung's hand touched his face, even though it was unintentional since he was putting the earphones in his ears. It was enough to make Chenle's face reddened.

The song had a nice melody.

"What is the title of this song?" Chenle asked.

Right now it's pretty crazy
And I don't know how to stop
Or slow it down

I know there are some things we need to talk about
And I can't stay
Just let me hold you for a little longer now

"Never be alone. Shawn Mendes," Jisung plainly answered as he flipped to the next page.

Never be alone. Chenle thought and he smiled. This is a beautiful song.

Then Chenle's face got redder when he realized that Jisung was talking to him right now.

"Do you enjoy listening to this kind of music?" Chenle curiously asked.

Take a piece of my heart
And make it all your own
So when we are apart
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone
You'll never be alone

"I don't know... Kind of," Jisung answered. His eyes were still fixed on the book.

Chenle decided not to ask the younger any more questions and give him the quietness he wanted. He just stared passionately at the lad while he was listening to the song.

He was staring at the lad's dark brown eyes. Jisung's eyes were perfection. Chenle felt like Jisung's eyes looks deceiving. Those dark brown eyes look shallow but the more you stare at it you will feel as though you are being pulled down by gravity. It's like those eyes are pulling him closer to Jisung.

When you miss me close your eyes
I may be far but never gone
When you fall asleep tonight
Just remember that we lay under the same stars

"Can I put my head on your shoulder?" Chenle asked but the lad didn't answer, and for Chenle silence means yes.

So, he gently rested his head on the lad's shoulder. Jisung didn't complain, he just let Chenle do what he wanted.

After that, the two were enveloped by a comforting silence. Jisung continued reading his book. Chenle was just listening to the song. Their hearts felt closer again. No more grudges. Just longings for each other's care to make up to the time that was stolen from them.

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