three (2nd)

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Chenle was boredly watching Jisung play soccer along with Sungchan and their schoolmates that was part of the school's soccer team. Chenle doesn't know who they are and he didn't make an effort to know their names, he just knows Jisung and Sungchan.

The boys were playing at an empty court inside the community, it was provided of the government for the community and its free for all.

Chenle doesn't understand a single thing about the game. He doesn't know why they kept on running and kicking the ball. He doesn't even know who were the memebers of the two groups— the only thing that he knows was Sungchan and Jisung were part of the same team and the two were also both the MVP players of their soccer team in school.

It's no surprise for Chenle that he doesn't understand how soccer works. He hates P.E. out of all subjects in school. He hates exerting effort and energy. He hates being under the sun— but he didn't mind to stay under the tree and read books with Jisung in the hammock at the farm, and he didn't mind to wait and watch Jisung do the farm works. He hates any kinds of sports, whether it's a basketball, baseball, soccer, badminton, tennis, chess, or darts. He hates using both of his brain and body, it's exhausting for him. He grew up in the province, but unlike the normal provincial kids that were used to exerting energy and sweat like Jisung, Chenle was the opposite. He prefers to learn by lecture in school.

Jisung and Chenle were the opposite of each other. Chenle was just a normal kid, he's not that smart but he's also not that, he's just right. While Jisung was the smart one and he also excels in the physical aspect as he plays soccer and do farm work. Chenle prefers to interact with everyone while Jisung interact only to 'necessary' people. Chenle prefers to do the talking while Jisung prefers to do the reading and analyzing.

They were the complete opposite of each other yet it didn't make the feel apart from each other. Each other's differences makes them more attracted to one another. It's like they complete each other's whole.

"Were you bored?" Jisung asked as they walked down to the sidewalk.

"Hell, yeah. I don't understand how a single thing works their. All I know is your team wins," Chenle answered.

"You seemed pretty close with Sungchan," Chenle added, changing the topic because he felt like Jisung would start on teaching everything he knows about soccer to him.

"We often meet because of soccer practice and we often see each other in school. You know, the schools here are not as big as schools in the city," said Jisung.

"How often do you meet?" Asked Chenle with a stern voice. He asked with a stern voice because Jisung might think that he was jealous of his and Sungchan's closeness.

Wait— why would he be jealous?

"We meet almost everyday in school and we rarely meet during the vacation," Jisung answered.

"Why'd you ask? Are you jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous? We are best friends!" Chenle answered, in denial.

"Yeah. That's the point."

"What? I don't get it," Chenle asked, confused.

"We are best friends. We are close friends. It's normal to get jealous when you see your friend close to someone else," Jisung answered and then he placed his hand on top of Chenle's head and messed the older's hair slightly. "It's human nature. It's normal, Chenle."

"I didn't say I'm jealous! I am not jealous!" Said Chenle fastly which makes him more obvious. Chenle, then, turned away and walked fast away from Jisung.

Jisung chuckled as he watched the older marched away from him with his cute big steps. There's also a frown in Chenle's face, but for Jisung, it just made the older much cuter. "If you say so, Chenle!"

Chenle stopped walking and looked back at him, sending a glare.

"I told you I'm not jealous about your closeness with that Sungchan! Why would I be jealous? I am the best friend! Hmp!" Chenle shouted and then he continued to march away from the younger, making his steps bigger and faster.

Jisung chuckled again because of what the older had said and actions.

You never failed to make my day complete, Chenle. Thought Jisung.

Jisung jogged towards Chenle and then he put his arms around the older's shoulders.

"You are my best friend, Chenle. No one can replace you as my best friend."

Chenle looked at him with his doe eyes. "Really? Even if you're close with Sungchan and you have a lot in common?"

Jisung's smile grew bigger because of the older's question and tone of voice.

He's like a kid. I can't believe he's older than me. He's such a baby.

"Yes, you are my best friend even if we have a lot in common."

"Even if I only go back here during summer vacation?"

"Yes. You are my only best friend and no one can replace you as my best friend."

And with that, Chenle's heart was at ease again, but deep inside, he was wishing for more that he couldn't name.


I just wanna say sorry for late update djsnshshs the doctors and profes are dropping a lot of activities on us

Anddd, I've already decided the conflict of this story. The conflict will appear after the 5 summers and we're just on the 2nd summer, so, it's still a long run.

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