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This was no good.

This was really no good. Like really, really no good.

Jisung stared at the stacks of books that were lying on his desk. He messed his hair as he stared at it. He was confused.

Why am I doing this? Jisung asked himself.

It's been a week since he and Chenle started to meet each other. Chenle went to the farm every day without a fail just to watch him read a book and Jisung would always make the lad listen to the songs on his phone. That was their routine for the entire week. Jisung doesn't know why but he didn't seem to want to avoid the older now. He felt more comfortable with Chenle now.

But in that week, Jisung rarely talk to him. It's not that he was still wanting to avoid but he's afraid that he might be boring or he might say something that would make Chenle not to visit him again.

He was excited and nervous every time Chenle was around him. It was a confusing feeling.

He had been noticing Chenle looking at his books a few days ago. He thought that Chenle was staring at his lap at first but then Jisung realized that he was not, he was staring at the book he's reading or more like he was reading it, too. But Chenle didn't seem to like the story of the book Jisung was reading because Jisung found him yawning after ten minutes of secretly reading his book.

So, when Jisung got home he unconsciously look at the books at his bookshelves to see if there's a book that would take Chenle's interest. Which now resulted in the stack of books in his desk.

"Why am I doing this?" Jisung asked himself again as he unconsciously stared at the stack of books.

"I'm not even sure if he was really reading it..." Jisung mumbled.

But no matter how much he protested to himself, Jisung would still check all his books. He removed the almanac and other educational books on the stack because he thought that Chenle doesn't like this book. He also doesn't like books that have the same vibe and genre like The Count of Monte Cristo.

Does he like romance books? Jisung asked himself.

Good thing, he had a few. These are old books. He just read it once or twice and then he left it on the shelf untouched.

Jisung has two romance books in total. Yes, just two.

Eleanor & Park and Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Jisung's mother bought this for him three years ago, last 2013. The books were just released at that time and it was on-demand, especially Eleanor & Park as it was labeled as one of the best selling books that year and it was a New York Times Bestseller. Jisung's mother thought that Jisung liked romance because children at his age likes romance, so she bought the books for him. Jisung almost stopped reading them because for him it was boring, but after a year, when he reread the books again it was now okay for him. It's not boring for him anymore.

Jisung was debating on his head what he should bring tomorrow. In the end, he decided to bring the Eleanor & Park tomorrow.

Before he went to bed, Jisung made a playlist that consisted of Shawn Mendes songs, because Chenle seemed to like his songs, and he added a few songs from Sam Smith and 5 Seconds of Summer.

"A NEW BOOK?" Chenle the moment that he came to the farm.

"No," Jisung answered. "I have this since three years ago."

Chenle sat beside him.

"So you also read romance books," Chenle commented after he read what's written on the back of the book. This was his first time seeing Jisung reading a romance book.

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