1st summer

403 24 17

summer of 2016

The 13-years-old Jisung was thinking of ways how to run away from his house.

The more that he's coming nearer at their house, the more he wanted to run away or maybe disappear.

The car door opened.

"Congratulations, Jisung!" Everyone greeted loudly and Jisung just forced a smile.

Today was their last day of school and they did a recognition ceremony where they gave awards to students. Jisung didn't know why but he received several awards, and now, there's a huge celebration at their house.

He kept on telling his parents before that he didn't want any party. If they want to celebrate then they could just cook a few dishes and their family would just eat it. He didn't need a party. He just received several awards, that happen to normal students, so why does he need a party? It doesn't make any sense to him.

He doesn't like parties. He doesn't like noisy and crowded places, just like his house now. People's noise scares him the most.

"It's just gonna be a small party," his father said but it looked like they invited the whole town into their house.

Jisung wasn't sure if this was still his graduation party or his parent's party. It looked like they owned this party more than him.

"I'm gonna change my clothes, Mom," said Jisung to his mother and she nodded.

Jisung quickly went up to his room and closed the door, then he started to remove his uniform which makes him uncomfortable since the day began.

Jisung changed into casual clothes. Just denim pants and a white shirt with a spongebob print in it.

Jisung lied in his bed. He doesn't have any plans to go back down even if that was his party. He doesn't like it when most people's attention was on him. That's suffocating.

They would always ask how was he, if he likes someone from school, if he already has a girlfriend— just those stupid questions that grown-ups thought that was okay to ask but it's actually not because it's stupid.


Jisung looked at the person who came into his room.

"Hyung, can you at least knock?" Jisung asked his cousin Jaemin who just entered his room.

"Look, look!" Said Jaemin, showing the phone he was holding excitedly to Jisung. "I just caught a pokemon in your room!"

Jaemin was playing Pokemon Go. It's a game that people in his age currently like where you have to walk around and catch pokemons. He didn't like that kind of game, it exhausts him. He preferred to lie on a bed or sit on the couch and read a book.

Jisung just spare a look at Jaemin. He, then, grabbed a book that was lying on his bed. He fell asleep on it while reading it last night, good thing the book was still in its good condition. The book was title The Count of Monte Cristo which was written by Alexandre Dumas who was also known for The Three Musketeers. A lot of people would say that this book wasn't appropriate for his age because it contains a lot of mature topics, but Jisung enjoyed reading it. It was about Edmund Dante who was falsely accused of treason and was arrested on his wedding day.

"Huh? That book again?" Jaemin complained.

"Jaemin! Jisung! Come down now and eat!" Called Jisung's mother. She was standing at the door. "Especially you, son, I know you're already hungry."

Jisung wanted to say that she was wrong and he's not hungry, but he chose not to. Jisung put down his book on his study table and went down to eat.

There's a lot of people. Jisung estimated that there were over a hundred people in their house excluding him and his family.

"Oh, Jisung, what do you want to eat?" Their housemaid asked. She's in her mid-30s already. They have two housemaids in total.

Jisung looked at the table and scanned it. He winced when he saw the carbonara lying there. He doesn't like carbonara or any food with milk except if it's a dessert.

"Just chicken and spaghetti. Thanks," said Jisung, and the housemaid started putting food on his plate.

While Jisung was waiting for his food, he overheard his Dad and its companion's conversation.

"Vice, don't you have any plans on running again on the next election?" The one asked. The one that they called Vice was Jisung's father. People gave him the nickname Vice because his father was the former vice mayor of the town and he did a good job during his term, that's why a lot of people remembered him and Jisung was quite famous in school.

"You should run for Mayor on the next election," the other one suggested.

"No, no," said Jisung's father. "I don't have any plans as of now to run again this coming election. I want to focus on my son. He's going to hit puberty anytime soon, it's the most crucial stage of the child's growth."

When his Dad finished his term, he focused on managing the farm they owned. It's just a small farm, a few hectares. They have crops there, also a poultry farm. They are the ones supplying the local market with rice, corn, wheat, some fruits, chicken, eggs, and ducks. They also have horses and cows which they do not sell— they are just taking care of it to make the land more healthier for plants. While his father manages the farm, his mother was a doctor. She owned a clinic in the town.

"Here's your food, Jisung," said the maid as she handed the plate to Jisung carefully and Jisung accepted it.

"Oh, you finally came!" Jisung overheard his mother. He didn't know who she was talking to as he was focused on holding his plate.

"It's been a while since we came back here," a lady said whose voice sounded familiar.

"Are you back here for good?" Asked Jisung's mother.

Jisung was carefully walking to the table and when he got there, he immediately placed his plate there and sat on a chair.

"No, we just came here to have a vacation," the lady with a familiar voice answered. "Chenle wants to came back here badly."


Jisung stopped on eating and he stood up and looked for his mother. She was standing near the door talking to a couple. And there he saw a boy standing beside the couple. His childhood best friend. The one who swore to him to stay together forever. The one who broke the promise they made for each other.

"Where's Jisung?" Chenle asked and Jisung hide on the big plant near from him. The plant was planted on a big vase, so he's sure that no one would see him there.

Jisung's mother roamed her eyes to look for her son.

"Oh, there he is!" Said Jisung's mother as she pointed at Jisung who's hiding from the vase.

Jisung's eyes widened. He was wrong. People could still see him. He, then, turned to his back and started to walk back fast to the kitchen.

"Jisung!" Chenle called but Jisung didn't look back at him. Jisung continued on walking.

Jisung didn't know why but he doesn't want to see Chenle now.

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