2nd summer

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summer of 2017

The 15-year-old Chenle heaved a deep breath the moment he opened the car's window. He was sitting alone at the backseat with some of these things.

After a year, he was finally back after a year. He loves everything about this province— the sea, the woods, the farms, and of course, his best friend Jisung.

He couldn't wait to see Jisung. Any minute from now, they would finally arrive at the house. He would finally see the younger after ten months.

"Mom! I'll just go to Jisung!" Said Chenle to his mother. They just arrived in the house. After he put all of his things inside his room, he immediately went down.

His mother nodded at him. "Take care! Be sure to be back here before dinner."

Chenle nodded at her and then he immediately went out of the house. Jisung's house was near from theirs, it just took him a few minutes walk. He couldn't wait to tell to Jisung everything that happened to him.

When he reached the younger's house, Chenle pressed the doorbell. After a few seconds, the maid opened it.

"Hello! Is Jisung there?" Chenle politely asked with a smile.

"Oh, Chenle, you are finally back," said the maid as she smiled at him, and then she shook her head.

"Jisung is on the farm. He's currently helping his father," the maid answered

Chenle nodded. "Okay. Thank you!"

The maid closed the gate and Chenle started to walk on the way to the farm. He was walking happily on the sidewalk.

Chenle was wondering since when Jisund had started helping his father on the farm. Jisung does not seem like he was interested in an agricultural job. Jisung looked more like the type who would sit in the office and do reports and present it at the meeting. He did not expect Jisung to help on the farm.

When he got there, Chenle roamed himself to find Jisung. Jisung was not on the crops, he wasn't helping the farmers on either planting and harvesting of crops. Chenle then went to the poultry house but the younger wasn't there, too, all he could see are the chickens and its chicks, and the ducks and its ducklings. There was no sign of a tall teenage boy there.

Chenle then thought of going to the animals in the farm, to the stable. He saw a lot of cows and horses roaming free inside the fence and eating fresh grass.

Chenle went inside the fence and he walked towards the stable.

Maybe Jisung was here. Chenle thought as he walked.

Chenle went inside the stable. It smelled awful. Chenle really does not like the smell of the stables. It smelled of all animal smell, animal poop, dirt, and food. There are some empty stable which means that the animal that was currently residing the stable are in the field, walking and eating grass freely.

Chenle then saw Jisung at the end of the stable.

"Jisung!" Called Chenle as he run towards the lad.

Jisung looked at him with wide eyes because of surprise. He did not think that Chenle would come back here today. Then it was replaced with a smile.

"You are back," said Jisung. He could not believe that Chenle really came back in here. He thought that the lad would break his promise and eat his own words again.

"You really came back," said Jisung once again.

"Of course, I will come back," said Chenle. "Don't you miss me?"

"I missed you," said Jisung which makes Chenle's face red.

Just three words. Just three effin' words and Chenle's heart was beating fast already.

"I missed you, too," said Chenle. "Can I hug you?"

Jisung shook his head.


"I am dirty... and kinda smelly," said Jisung. "I just bathe all the horses and cows here. I also cleaned their stables."

"Can we get out of here?" Asked Chenle. "So that you can clean yourself."

Jisung nodded and then he removed the gloves he was wearing. He and Chenle walked together our of the stable.

"So you're going home now?" Asked Chenle.

Jisung nodded. "But I have to get myself cleaned first before I go home. Mom won't let me enter the house if I smell like this."

Chenle's eyes widened. "So you take a bath here in the farm?!"

Jisung nodded. "I always bring my clothes, soap, and shampoo whenever I go here to help."

"So, where's the bathroom here?" Asked Chenle as he roamed his eyes around. He could not see a bathroom here. All he could see are the fields with animals, crops, and trees.

"There's no bathroom here," said Jisung.

Chenle's eyes widened again.

"Then... Then..." Chenle could not continue his sentence as his mind started to imagine things he should not imagine. If Jisung takes a bath in here and there's no bathroom, then does that mean he was taking a bath in the open field?

Chenle's face started to be crimson red again as his mind form an image of naked Jisung here in the fields while taking a bath.

Chenle shook his head to erase the forming image in his mind.

Why am I imagining this? Chenle asked himself.

"Why's your face red?" The 14-year-old Jisung asked. He was wondering why Chenle did not continue his sentence and why the older just suddenly turn red.

"Nothing! Nothing!"

"So... You just take a bath here? Anyone could see you."

Chenle's head then starts to boil when he thought that someone may be watching Jisung as he take a bath because this is an open space.

"Kinda..." Jisung answered. "But I don't really take a bath here on the farm. I go to the river."


Jisung nodded. "Yep. It's inside the woods, five minutes away from here."

Then the two of them stopped on a hut. Jisung told him to wait for him outside and he obeyed. Jisung came back with a bag in his hands, the bag where he put his things.

"So... You'll go with me to the river or you'll just go to my house and wait there?" Asked Jisung.

If he go with Jisung to the river then he would see Jisung take a bath there naked...

Chenle's face reddened again.

Snap it out! Why do I keep on thinking of naked Jisung? I shouldn't be thinking like this! Said Chenle to himself.

"I..." Chenle began. "I'll just wait on your house."

Jisung nodded at him with a smile. "Okay. See you there, then."

The two had parted their ways. Jisung went to the woods and Chenle went to the main road.

Deep inside, Chenle wished he went with Jisung to the woods and wait for him while he was taking a bath on the river.

But that makes him a pervert, so he just decided to wait at Jisung's house or else he might kiss the lad.

"Kiss? Why am I thinking of kissing Jisung?" Chenle confusedly asked himself.

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