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Chenle was disappointed when he came to the farm today. The smile he was wearing since he woke up this morning immediately faded from his face.

The hammock was empty. Jisung wasn't here today.

"Why is he not here?" Chenle asked himself as he looked at the empty hammock, then he looked at the book in his hand. He was finally done reading Eleanor & Park after four days- in those four days, he was still with Jisung every afternoon in the hammock. They are reading different books but they are listening to the same song.

Chenle sadly walked out of the farm.

"Is he hiding from me again?" Chenle asked himself.

"No, it's impossible. We are okay now," Chenle answered himself.

He was talking to himself on the sidewalk. He looked like a crazy teenager.

Chenle, then, decided to go to Jisung's house. He wanted to know why the younger wasn't at the farm. Maybe he was sick? Chenle hoped that that was not the case.

When Chenle reached Jisung's house, he pressed the doorbell. After a few seconds, the maid opened the door and let him in.

He saw Jisung at the kitchen eating his breakfast. Yes, his breakfast even though it was already one in the afternoon.

Jisung's hair was still disheveled which proved that he just got out of bed. Even though his hair was a mess, it never failed to make Chenle mesmerize. He still looked handsome for the older no matter how messy it was.

Why the world is so unfair? Chenle asked himself as he stared at Jisung. When Jisung have a disheveled hair, he still looked good like it was made to be messy to look good even more. But when his hair was the one messy, it looked like a bird's nest.

"You just woke up?" Chenle asked Jisung. He, then, went to the lad and sat beside him.

Jisung nodded. "I sleep late last night."

Thank God he's not sick. Chenle thought.

"Why did you sleep late? What did you do?" Chenle curiously asked.

Jisung put the last spoonful of food in his mouth.

"Just... This and that," Jisung answered. "It's not that important."

Jisung didn't want to say that he stayed up late because he searched all of his cabinets and bookshelves to look for a romance book to lend to the lad because Chenle seemed to like it. He spent hours but unfortunately, he didn't find any. He just really have two romance books.

After Jisung searched for a romance book for house, he spent his time making a playlist for Chenle. He didn't notice that the time was running fast and it was already midnight when he got finished. Thus, resulting in him waking  up late.

"Just this and that?" Chenle confusedly asked.

Jisung nodded as he stood up from his chair and then he put his plate to the kitchen sink.

"I told you it's not important," said Jisung.

Jisung then saw the book at Chenle's lap. There's no bookmark in there anymore which means that Chenle's done reading it.

"Done reading it?" Asked Jisung.

Chenle nodded. "I did not expect the ending."

"Was it good? Did you cry?" Asked Jisung and Chenle shyly nodded.

"You are still a crybaby," Jisung commented.

"I am not a crybaby!" Chenle denied. "It's just really saddening that they didn't end up together."

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