
Later at Central Perk Me,Chandler,Monica and Rachel are hanging out.

Rachel:So Chandler have you heard about Monica's secret boyfriend?.

Chandler:Uh yeah.She uh,she uh,she uh might've mentioned him.

Tabitha:This is news to me.Monnie why didn't you tell me?.

Rachel:So Mon when are we gonna meet this new secret waiter man?.

Monica:Oh he's really shy.I-I don't think he's up to meeting everyone yet.

Chandler:Yeah I don't think he's up to meeting everyone yet.

Rachel:I don't care!.I wanna meet this guy who's the best sex she ever had!.

Chandler:"Puts down magazine".Really?!. That's what you heard?."To Monica".You said that?.

Monica:I might've said that.

Chandler laughs.

Tabitha:Why is that funny?.

Chandler:Because I'm very happy for him!."To Monica".And you,you lucky dog!.

Ross Enters the Cafe.



Ross:Well Emily's willing to work on the relationship.


Monica:That's great!.

Ross:In London!.


Ross:She wants me to move to London.

Monica:But you live here!.

Ross rolls his eyes.

Monica:You know that.

Rachel:What,what"what are you gonna do?.

Ross:I bet if I talk to Carol and Susan I can convince them to move to London with Ben.

Tabitha:Yeah I'm sure your ex-wife will be more than happy to move to another country so you can patch things up with your new wife.

Ross:It could happen.


Me and Chandler enter the apartment to see Monica,Phoebe and Rachel.

Chandler:Hey Monica?.Can I ask you a cooking question?.


Chandler:If you're cooking on the stove does that mean that your new secret boyfriend is better in bed than Richard?.

Rachel:Chandler!...Is he?.

Monica:Well y'know I-I-I think I'm gonna respect the privacy of my new secret boyfriend.

Chandler:Why?!.I mean if this guy was me and it was me who had learned that it was me who was the best you'd ever had I'd be going like this.

Chandler jumps up onto the table and starts doing his happy dance...Later on in the apartment Ross is talking to us after Rachel leaves.

Ross:So I asked Emily if she would come to New York and she said yes.




Ross:No,no,no!.Only if I promise never to see Rachel again.


Monica:What?!.You can't what did you tell her?.

Ross:I told her I'd have to think about it.I mean how the hell am I supposed to make this kind of a decision?.

We don't say anything to Ross.

Ross:I'm actually asking you!.

Chandler:Well you can't just not see Rachel anymore she's one of your best friends.

Monica:Yeah!.But he can't not exactly see Emily I mean that's his wife.


Chandler:That's true.

Tabitha:Yeah but you've known Rachel since High School and you cannot just cut her out of your life.

Chandler:That's true.

Monica:No you cannot.

Ross:Thanks for the help problem solved."Wipes his hands".

The phone rings and Monica answers it.

Monica:"Into Phone"?Hello.Oh hey Joey!. We've been watching all day when are you gonna be on TV?."Looking at the TV".You're not on TV.

I see Joey wave his hand in front of the woman next to him and you can now see his arm on TV.

Chandler:Hey there he is!,There he is!.

Joey:Hello New York!.

The woman bats his hand out of the way....Later on Monica and Phoebe are cooking as Chandler is reading a magazine and Ross enters the apartment.

Ross:Okay that's it.I cannot make this decision!.It is too difficult so I'm just gonna leave it entirely to the gods of fate.

Ross holds up and starts shaking a Magic 8-Ball.

Tabitha:A Magic Eight ball?!.You can't be serious you can't make this decision with a toy.

Phoebe:Oh it's not a toy.

Ross:Well I don't know what else to do.I mean I either keep my wife and lose one of my,my,my best friends or I keep my friend and get divorced the second time before I'm 30!.So,so if anyone has,has a better suggestion let's hear it!.Cause I-I got nothing.All right don't be shy any suggestion will do...Okay then.Here we go. Magic 8 Ball should I never see Rachel again?."Turns it over,reads".Ask again later.Later is not good enough."Shakes it up again,reads".Ask again later.What the hell!. This is broken!.It,it is broken!.

Monica;All right.let me see."Grabs the 8 ball".Will Chandler have sex tonight?."Reads".Don't count on it.Seems like it works to me.

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