15: Names & Moves

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*One Month Later*

Elizabeth POV

I am five months pregnant now. Do you know how big you are at five months? You are huge! And I'm only five months! I mean I still have like four months to go until he is here! It's going to be torture when I'm that big. I began making pancakes downstairs while basically everyone else was sleeping. Lately I keep feeling this fluttering in my stomach. I looked it up on the Internet and people said that it's the baby kicking and moving. Then they said that the longer I'm pregnant the more powerful the kicks will get. Great. By the time I was finished making pancakes Nialler came downstairs. "Hey, Goodmorning babe." I said. Niall walked over and kissed me. "Goodmorning." he said with a smile. "How's he doing today?" Niall asked talking about the baby. "He's still moving around like crazy. It's so strange." I said fixing my plate of pancakes. "We really need to come up with a name Ellie. Calling him, him. It just doesn't seem right." Niall said making his plate and following me to the table. "I know. Have you thought of any?" I asked Niall and then he ran straight up to our room. He came back down with a notebook in hand. "All the ideas I had are in this notebook." he said handing it to me. I flipped through the pages till I saw a piece of paper with a lot of names on it. "There are a few but I wasn't sure exactly how you wanted the names to go." Niall said devouring his pancake stack. "Well his middle name will be James, I know that for sure." "Why do you want to name him after me?" Niall asked confused. "Because Niall, it was you that stayed with me through all of this so far. Even when my parents decided to forget about me, you stayed here. You made me even more loved then anyone in the world ever could have." I said. He just smiled and looked at me. "Alright so let's see what we have here." I said staring at the paper now. "Ni, your handwriting is so, pretty." I stated. "Yea, I know the guys tell me that." he said nodding. I looked at the paper to see a ton of names on it. There is Daniel, Tristan, Colin, Liam? "Ni, Liam? You wanted to name him Liam?" I asked. "It gets weirder." he said, and was right. Then there was Edward, William, Jacob, Paul. As you can see Niall gets his inspiration from the Twilight movies and the guy's middle names. "Niall, which ones do you like most?" I handed him the paper. He got a pen and drew some circles on it. When I got the notebook back it had four names I really liked circled. Austen, Daniel, Colin, and Braden. "So it's down to those four." I said. I finally began eating my pancakes while Niall went to get some more. "Austen James, Daniel James, Colin James, Braden James." I whispered to my self over and over again trying to see which one sounds best. "What are you doing El?" Bridgette said walking into the room. "Bridg, always letting yourslef in without even knocking." I said and she just shook her head and waited for an answer to her question. "Trying to figure out the baby's name. Don't judge me!" I basically shouted. "Not judging a pregnant girl." she said putting her hands up in the air. "Anyway how are you and Haz?" I said sitting up in my chair. "We are good. Same old same old. We've been boyfriend and girlfriend for about a month now and everything is the same as when we were dating. He won't even kiss me." she exclaimed sitting down beside me. I forgot to mention that the day after I found out I was having a baby boy Harry asked Bridg if she'd like to be his girlfriend, and well she said yes. "Well then you make the first move." I said as Niall came back in with another plate full. "Talking about Harry?" he asked. We both nodded. "He told me he really likes you Bridg, just he doesn't want to rush things in case you aren't ready. So if you're ready for that then just tell him or kiss him already." Niall said. Just as he finished his scentence Harry came in the room and stood in the doorway. "I know you guys are talking about me." Harry said staring at Bridgette. "Uh well Goodmorning to you too babe." she said to Harry. He just kept staring at her and she shot him a innocent smile and he rolled his eyes. "So what were you talking about with Nialler before I came in?" Bridgette asked me. "Well I was talking about how I can feel the baby moving now and we were deciding on names." I said. "Oh so I heard you whispering to yourself. What names did you pick?" she said. "Austen, Daniel, Colin, and Braden. With the middle name of James." "I vote for either Daniel or Colin. I like those." Bridg said. "Yea I'm leaning towards those two." I said. "In all honesty I like Colin the most." Niall said finishing his plate. "I second that." Harry said walking into the dinning room with some pancakes. "So since basically almost all my friends enjoy the name Colin I think that's it." I said sitting back in my chair. "Oh Ellie, I have something to tell you." Niall said. "What is it babe?" I was kind of worried about what he was going to say. "So I have to go to this dinner date thing with Miranda." he said and my mouth dropped. "You what?" I asked. "Managment is making me go. They said that the paps haven't seen us together much lately so I'm basically being forced." he said with sympathyin his voice. "It's fine Niall, I don't want you getting fired again." I said. "Don't worry babe. I can't get fired remember?" he said standing from his seat and kissing my forehead. He then shot Haz a smile and then went upstairs to get ready for his event with Miranda. I'm not even going to call it a date.

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