6: Dolls & Bastards

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Elizabeth POV

So my plan for today is to get everything and everyone packed. Ni and I have already started packing but the boys, thy are a whole other story. What I call packing they call cleaning their flats and playing with everything they find. "Harry! Quit playing with the dolls!" Harry found dolls of himself and the other boys. "They are action figuers!" he yelled from the living room. "Hey Liam why do you look like Justin Bieber? I don't know Harry why do you look like Susan Boyle? Wait Niall why do you look oddly tan?" Harry said in weird voices trying to sound like the other boys. "Haz! Quit playing with the dolls!" Liam yelled and Harry instantly dropped the dolls and went into the bedroom where Niall and I were. Harry just laid down on the bed. "What can I help with?" he asked propping up his head with his arm. "You can get off your ass and help us pack some stuff." I snap. "Geez El calm down." Harry said seeming offended. "It's just mood swings Harry." Niall said. "Oh...my...God..." Harry began to say. "What?" I asked turning around from packing. 'This is where you guys.....ew!" he jumped up instantly. Niall and I were in hysterics. "You could have warned me before I fell down into the bed." he said angrily. "Why that wouldn't have been fun." Niall barely said between laughs. "I'm helping Lima." Harry said walking out of the room. Niall and I laughed for a few more minutes. "So are we done packing in here?" Niall asked taping up the last box. "Yep let's go see if Haz and Liam made any progress." I said walking to the kitchen as Ni followed. "Haz! lou! What are you doing!?" "Uh, nothing."Lou said. "Then why were you up there?" Niall asked. "So Lou dared me to try to fit into one of the top cabinets and so I climbed on the counter and took out the shelves and squeezed in and I fit! Then Lou was like "If you could fit so could I." and I told him he couldn't then he got up here and shut the door of the cabinet I was in then squeezed himself into one and then, well you two walked in." Harry said hopping down from the counter top. "You two act like children." I said. "It's called having fun love, you should try it." Lou said patting my shoulder. Niall gave him the "now you have done it" look. "Soory I can't have fun Louis! Did you forget I have a God damn child living inside of me! Can't have much fun when you want to make sure you don't kill your own flesh and blood! Did you two dumbasses even pack anything!?" I yelled and automatically regretted it. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to yell and curse like that." "It's ok El we know, mood swings." Haz said. "They seem to be getting more violent." Lou said. "Yea, they are getting kind of hard to control. Did you guys pack anything though?" "Well Liam had packed everything and was putting stuff out in the moving truck." Haz said. "Did you guys pack any of your stuff yet?" Niall asked. "Psh...yea we did." Lou said. "You didn't pack anything did you?" "Nope not one thing." Lou responded. "Well you have one hour to pack everything and be ready to go." They both automatically ran out the door. "I wonder where Zayn is." "I'll go see." Niall said walking out the door. You know it's weird, I haven't heard from Miranda or managment hasn't called in a long while. I wonder why they haven't tried to stop this, the moving. Haven't said anything about the baby or Niall and I going out in public together. This seems so weird, like they don't know anything. Maybe they don't, the boys haven't been busy lately lately so they probably haven't talked to managment much. "Zayn's actually done packing and is with Liam helping put things in the moving truck." Niall said walking back into the flat. "Great so we have to finish putting our stuff in the truck and then wait ages for Haz and Lou to be done." "Well, better get started." Niall said picking up a box.

*about 1 hour later*

"DONE!" Louis yelles from his and Harry's flat. "Right on time boys good job." I said. Harry walked out holding a ton of boxes and Lou walked out holding only one. "Lou why don't you help him?" "Because those are his boxes. This is mine." "You only have one box of clothes?" "Psh...no. This is just my phone things." "You need a box for that!?" I yelled. He casually walks down to the truck and puts his little box in and Haz follows. Haz was done but Lou would walk back and forth only carrying one box at a time. "Ok we need to help himor we'll be here for ages!" Liam said. All the boys ran up there and Louis just stood with me down at the truck. Niall didn't want me carrying anything since I'm pregnant. Lou had this weird look on his face like he got what he wanted. "You manipulative bastard." I said. He just nodded as if he was agreeing. Finally all the boxes were in the truck and we were ready to go.


Finally got all the boxes unloaded and now it was time to unpack. The boys ran up the stairs to pick their rooms. "Wait what rooms are off limits?" Harry asked. I walked up the stairs and showed them the almost baby nursery and Niall and I's room. There was one room right besideof the baby's. "I call this one!" Harry yelled running into that room. "Haz if you get that room you'll hear the baby crying constantly." I said. "So I could go get it instead of you or Niall. You know giving you two a break." He said with a smile. The other boys got their rooms and started to unpack everything. Niall and I unpacked everything and surprisingly it was still daylight outside. We got te whole house set up about an hour later. "Niall I'm freaking hungry!" I yelled. "So what? You have two feet and a kitchen full of food!" he yelled from upstairs. "You sound woprse then Niall!" Zayn yelled. "I'm so lazy Ni!" I yelled. "Fine then don't eat!" He yelled. "But Niall!" I whinned. "Oh my God. Liam and I will go get some Nando's we will be right back." Niall said as he and Liam walked down the stiars. Niall kissed me and then they both left. "Why so hungry all of a sudden? You were never this hungry El." Haz said walking down the stairs. "I have another person insode of me! They need food too! Oh my God I did it again! I'm so sorry Haz." "It's alright El, I know you don't mean to. Oh and if you don't mind me asking, what are you thinking about all of this?" "What the pregnancy?" He nodded. "Well I'm not scared, well exceot for labor and not hurting it but I know Niall will be a great dad and this baby will have four uncles to help as well. Has Niall said anything about it?" "Are you kidding? That's all he talks about! He can't, not talk about it for two minutes. He's so happy it's unbelieveable. I've never seen him any happier, well except for like buffets and things like that but that's it." "Really? I didn't know he was that happy." "Yea, it's insane." "What are you thinking about all of this Haz?" "Well I think that you and Niall will be great parents and like you said it has four uncles to help." He said with a smile. "Glad everyone is taking it so well. Well almost everyone." "Oh yeah, your parents. Do you think they'll ever get over it?" "I don't know if they are going to act like that I don't know if I want them into the baby's life." "That's probably best for it. Any other family members you still have to tell?" "Not really, the only ones that are that close to me I've already told. Like my parents and Bridgette." "Bridgette? Who's Bridgette?" "She's my 18 year old cousin. She lives in Ireland, she was here when I found out." "Wait so she's the blond one?" He asked with a smile growin across his face. "Yea, you've seen her?" I asked with a slight laugh. "Yea I've seen her." He said as if I should have known that. "Well, I think she's going to be over here tomorrow to see the house. You can formally meet her then." He smiled and then ran up the stairs. I laughed and texted bridg.

To Bridgette: You coming down tomorrow?

Bridgette: Freak yea I'm coming down! I wanna see the house!

To Bridgette: Oh ok, Harry really wants to meet you.

Bridgette: Harry? Harry Styles? Wants to meet me?

To Bridgette: Yea! So when you come down look sexy lol

Bridgette: No doubt! G2G work :/

To Bridgette: Have fun see you tomorrow!

Bridgette: Ok! Buh bye love!

Then Niall and Liam walked in holding three huge bags fuul of food. "Hallelujah! Praise the lord! The Gods have saved me!" I yelled falling to my knees as they walked through the living room. "El, get up." Liam said helping me up as Niall just falied on the ground laughing so hard. I stood up only to fall back down on the couch fromlaughing so hard at Niall laughing. "Both of you get up and eat this food before the other boys get to it." Liam said snickering a little. Niall and I got up and went to get food. We got a ton and sat at the dinner table and the other boys joined once they got their food. We all sat and ate in pure silence for a while then Niall spoke. "So anything going on tomorrow?" he asked looking around the table. "Nope, Nope, Nope." Louis, Liam and Zayn said. "Bridgette is coming down tomorrow." I said and Harry, who was still staring down at his plate smiled widely. "That's great she can see the new house!" Niall said over reactingly which he does when he does when he's hiding something. "Oh God Ni what is it?" "What are you talking about?" "You're hiding something I can tell by the tone of your voice." "Ok so don't be mad but, Miranda is coming over tomorrow."

Our Little Snowflake (1st Book) [IN EDITING]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz