7: Miranda & Cussing

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*Just saying I have nothing against Miranda Cosgrove*

Harry POV

Bridgett is coming over today. I'm so nervous, wait what do I have to be nervous about? I'm Harry freaking Styles. What if I come off to strong? What if it scares her that I'm Harry Styles. What am I kidding, I have a ton of things to be nervous about. What am I going to wear? I don't want to dress to formal but I don't want to dress like slob. Why is this so hard?

Elizabeth POV

So Bridgette texted me and said she would be her in an hour or so. Harry is panicking about absolutely everything. He doesn't know what to wear. He doesn't know how to act. He doesn't know what to even eat. This morning he made me pick out the kind of shampoo for him to use in the shower. I guess he like Bridg. Oh my God! He likes Bridg! They would be so cute together! "El! Which aftershave?!" Harry yelled from his room. "My choices!?" I yelled from the living room. "Playboy or Blue!?" "Uh, Blue! Bridg would like Blue!" Then I heard a ton of sprays coming from his room. "Harry! You're going to put another hole in out ozone!" Harry ran down the stairs once the sprays stopped. "Damn Haz slow down! You still have an hour!" I yelled. "Ok so I have time to change if I need to." he muttered to himself but everyone in the room heard him. "Why are you freaking out about this? It's just my cousin." I said. "Cause Harold over here has fallen madly in love with her." Louis said walking over to Harry and placing his hand on Harry's shoulder. "No, I'm just nervous." He said shaking Lou's hand off. "Why are you nervous? I've never seen you nervous, ever." Niall said. "I just, I don't know." Harry said. "Well can I tell you something to help you be less nervous?" I asked Haz. He nodded waiting for me to go on. I got up off the couch and him and I walked into the kitchen to talk privately. "Ok so, she likes a guy who likes to goof around. She likes it when guys make awful jokes and they play it off like it was really funny. She dosen't like it when guys are only talk about themselves. She'll probably ask you about yourself and everything but make sure you ask her about her too. She loves learning things about people. Don't be so nervous, she's just a normal girl." "Thanks El. I just don't want to freak her out with my fame and stuff." "You won't she is a lot tougher then she seems." That made him laugh. "But seriously don't stress this. She'll like you don't worry." I went back to the living room and sat beside Niall. "Oh and Haz?" "Yea?" he asked walking back into the room. "You might want to take off the blazer. She won't mind if you're in a random tee-shirt." He nodded and ran up the stairs skipping every other one on his way up. He came back down in a matter of seconds in his Ramones shirt. He stood at the end of the stairs holding up two thumbs basically asking if it looked good. "Perfect Haz." He smiled and then sat down beside me on the couch playing on his phone. Then there was a knock at the door. Harry jumped immediately. "Calm down Curly, it's not Bridg she just said she'd be here in an hour." I got up to get the door. Sadly enough it was Miranda. "What?" I asked expressionless. "Didn't Niall tell you? I told him I was coming over today." She said pushing past me into the living room. "Bitch." I said and I guess everyone but Miranda heard me cause they were laughing and she acted like she heard nothing. She walked over to Niall and sat in my seat. "Excuse me, you're ass is in my spot." I said standing in front of her. "Excuse me it's not lady like to curse." she said. "Excuse me, it's not lady like to be a whore." I said with a smirk. She acted like I said nothing, she just laid her head on Niall's shoulder. Niall looked so uncomfortable, he was giving me this face of please help me. "Miranda, could you be anymore of a hoe?" I asked she instantly sat up. "What is your problem? I'm just sitting with my boyfriend." "Uh, excuse me fucktard. That's my boyfriend." The boys laughed. "Uh, no why would he want to be with a nobody like you?" "Why would he ever want to be with a whore like you? I mean you're not even that pretty." "Whatever, I have to go to the bathroom." she stood up. "Oh it's right there." I said pointing to the bathroom. She walked toward it. "Oh and if you ran out of crayons I have some!" "Why would I use crayons?" "Well why else is your face orange?" she slammed the door and the other boys laughed so hard. I got my seat back and she walked out appalled at the fact I was sitting by Niall. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked walking over to me and standing infront of me like I was to her. "Sitting with my boyfriend, what about you?" "Staring at a hoe." "But, you're not standing infront of a mirror." "Good one you little bitch." "I'm so hurt by that, really I am." I said with a smirk. The boys were having laughing fits. Then there was a knock at the door. "I got it." I said getting off the couch and pushing past Miranda. I knew she was going to take my seat by Niall. "If you put your ass in that seat I swear to God you won't have a face to make orange anymore." I said without bothering to turn around. I answered the door to an extremely sexified Bridgette. "Bridg, what the hell!" "You said get sexified for Harry." "I didn't literally mean it! Come upstairs real quick." I pulled her arm into the living room but before I walked into the room I yelled. "Everyone shut your eyes and count to twenty!" I looked real quick and everyone's eyes were covered. That bitch was in my seat again. I quickly pulled Bridgette to my room then stepped back out to the banister. "You sorry ass better be happy I'm busy right now!" I yelled at Miranda then walked back to my room. "Dang girl!" Bridgette said. "Mood swings come in handy sometimes. So we need to change things." "Change what?" "All of this honey. Harry is already nervous and this is just going to make it worse." "He's nervous? Because of me?" "Yea yea, now take that off and those and take out this and take that down." Bridgette took off the extremely formal dress she had on and took of the heels and earring and took down her hair. "Ok put this on, and this, and these." I handed her a loose hot pink button up tank top and a pair of white pants and some sparkly TOMS. "What about my hair?" she asked. "Uh.. here." It was already loosely curled so I let them fall and I just pinned back one piece and was done. "Ok so now go down there and meet Haz, you look perfect now." I said. "I'm too nervous!" she exclaimed. "I don't care. There is a hot tall boy downstairs waiting on you. Get your ass down there." And with that I left down the stairs. I got to the bottom of the stairs and gave Miranda a death stare. She automatically got up and sat on the other couch. "Bridgette! Get your ass down here!" I yelled up to my room. "Fine! I'm coming!" she said coming out of the room and down the stairs. Instantly Harry stood up. Bridgette walked down and stood at the bottom and waited for a response. "Beautiful." Harry said quietly but I heard him all the way over to were I was. "Hi, I'm Bridgette." she said walking over to Harry and holding her hand out as if he were to shake it. "Harold." he said with a smile and shoke her hand. "Nice to meet you Harold." she said with a slight giggle. "You can call me Harry." she nodded and walked over to the couch and sat down with Harry right beside her. We watched some episodes of Friends for a while. "Wait, aren't you going to show me around?" Bridgette asked. "Oh yea." I said hoping off of the couch. I grabbed Bridgette's arm and pulled bet around the house showing her every room. We got upstairs to the final room. "What room is this?" She asked. "It will be the baby nursery once we find out what gender it is." "You mean you don't want it to be a surprise?" "No I would like to be prepared for that part of the pregnancy." "Agreed." She slightly laughed. We both walked down the stairs and joins everyone else, well almost everyone. Little Mrs.Fucktard left, thank the gods as heavens, Zayn and Niall were gone as well. Louis and Haz were playing on the Xbox. "What are you two playing?" I asked sitting on the couch. "Dance central 2." Louis said standing up next to Haz. They tried to dance to Grenade by Bruno Mars, they failed. Surprisingly Louis won though. "Ok now you two." Harry's said turning round and pointing to Bridg and I. "Hold up, I'm pregnant. Most girls that are pregnant don't dance." "You're just scared you'll lose." Bridg said standing up off the couch. "Whatever, I use to cream your sorry ass at this game." I stood up. "So I smell a challenge." Bridg said. "I guess so." we acted like we were about to have a throw down. Bridg picks the song, Whip My Hair by Willow Smith. "Oh it's on child." I said trying to chose our characters. "El have you ever noticed that Angle looks like a buffer and older Zayn kind of?" Bridg pointed out. "Bodie looks like an older and buffer Niall!" I pointed out and we both just laughed. We picked those characters and played the game. I so creamed Bridg. "Told you." "Dang girl even when you're pregnant." She said with a laugh. "Wait so were did everyone go?" I asked Liam because he was the only one who probably knew. "Well Niall went to go get something and he will be back in a few minutes and Zayn, I have no idea, same with Miranda." "Well then I guess I'm gonna wait on Niall." I sat on the couch and we all searched Netflix looking for something I watch. "Want to watch a scary movie El?" Liam asked. "No, it's not the same without Niall." "Ok Top Gear it is." Louis said grabbing the remote. "Fine with me." I said. We watched a some of the hour long episode and Niall finally came home. "Where did you go?" I asked once he entered the room. "I went to talk to management." "About?" "Nothing important just about the next album." "You could have called Paul instead of going all the way to the studio." Liam said. "Wanted to ask it face to face." I nodded and patted the couch beside telling Ni to sit down, he did. We watched one more episode and then Haz and Bridg went somewhere. I didn't really bother following them, that would be weird. I had to go to the bathroom so I got up and walked over to the door and heard someone in there. Thought it was Bridg. Knocked a few times. "Bridgette Lynn Ambers! Open this fucking door!" I yelled. Then I saw Bridg and Haz walking around outside together. "What the hell." I muttered to myself. "Whoever is in here needs I open this door, prego girl gotta pee." No one did. I had a skeleton key so it opened all the doors in the house. I opened the door and saw someone. No two someones. I shut the for quickly. "What the hell!" I yelled and then Niall ran over to where I was. Louis and Liam followed. "What, what is it?" Niall asked frantically. "Zayn!" I yelled. "Yea?" Niall said. "He was and there was and!" I was to freaked out to get the full scentence out. "What is it Ellie?" Niall said. I couldn't really say anything else so I opened the door and showed them. "Miranda? Zayn? What are you two doing in here?" Niall asked. "They were kissing!" I yelled.

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