1: Throwing Up & Tests

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It's about four in the morning and I have an awful stomach ache. Maybe it was the sushi I are last night. I got up and ran to the bathroom feeling the stuff in my stomach coming up. I shut the door as fast as possible so that Niall didn't hear. I threw up a lot. I was in that bathroom for about a hour before I thought I could pull myself together enough to leave and go back to sleep. I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I looked so pale and sickly, what if I was pregnant? I can't be pregnant, I'll ruin his career! We're to young to have a baby, we're only 19! What if he doesn't want it! What if he kicks me out?! I can't be a single mom! Niall walked in. I forgot to lock the door. "Ellie, what are you doing?" He asked in his morning voice. "Nothing babe, just go back to sleep." I say trying to act like nothings wrong. "If there is nothing wrong how come you've been in the bathroom throwing up for the last hour?" He said walking closer to me and rubbing my arm. "I just don't feel well Niall. I'm going back to bed though."I say walking by him and laying in the bed. As he sits back down on the bed another wave of nausea rushed over me. I ran back to the bathroom only this time Niall followed. During my violent episodes he must rubbed my back and put my hair back in a hairband. I was finally done. I just sat there and waited for what he had to say. "Come on, I'll help you to bed." He said standing up and holding his hand out. He pulled me up and walked me into the bedroom. It was about six now and I knew I wasn't going to get anymore sleep today. I just sat on the edge of the bed and couldn't help but think about the chance I was pregnant. "Ellie, do you want to watch a movie?" Niall asked breaking me out of my trance. He was coming back into the room with a pile of movies. "Any scary ones? I really would love to watch a scary one." I say and he hands me the stack. Every single movie he brought was a scary movie. "Which one?" He asked laughing. "How about....Nightmare on Elms Street 3?" Niall nods and I handed him the DVD and he started the movie. He sat down with me and we just cuddled. The thing is I'm never scared from scary movies, Niall is a whole other story. He jumps at everything, if it was dark outside he wouldn't go to another room without me by his side. It was weird though, he wasn't being all jumpy this time. The credits rolled across the screen as the movie ended and I looked up at Niall to notice that he had fallen asleep. I'll just leave him, just because I'm throwing up doesn't mean he has to suffer. I cleaned the house a little and took a shower. Niall had an interview today so he would be leaving soon, and being the Niall he is he will wait till the last second to wake up and get ready. I thought I would be nice and make him breakfast but as soon as I put the bacon on the pan another nausea wave came across me. I ran to the bathroom again and threw up once more. Niall again woke up to comfort me. "Niall go back to bed. You have an interview today." "I don't care, you're sick. I'm not leaving if you're sick." "I'm not necessarily sick. I mean I feel fine but if I hit the wall of nausea then all hell breaks lose." That made him laugh. "Fine I'll try to go back to sleep then." He said. He helped me up once more then he went back to bed. I brushed my teeth for maybe the eighth time today. I went back to the kitchen and finished breakfast. By the time breakfast was finished it was maybe eight thirtyish, Niall had to leave at nine thirty. "Niall wake up." I say gently shaking him trying to wake him up. "Yea Ellie, what's wrong?" He asked. "Nothing, I made breakfast come and eat." I saw Niall jump at the word breakfast. I wasn't really hungry, I sat at the table and talked to Niall while he ate. When he finished he began to get ready to leave, so he got in the shower. I began to text my cousin Bridgett that lives over in Ireland.

Me: Bridg? Is there anyway possible you can come over today?

Bridgett: I'm off today so I'll try to be there in an hour or so. Why do you need me?

Me: I'll explain everything when you get here. It's to much to text.

Bridgett: Did Niall do something to you?

Me: No, just please hurry.

Just then Niall came out of the bathroom. "What are you doing love?" He asked sneaking up behind me and giving me a hug. "Just talking to Bridgett and Ni you're only in your boxers." I say standing up and seeing that he really is only in his underwear. "I don't know what to wear." he said innocently and pulling me into a real hug. "Well, you better go find out because it's already nine." "You're so cute when you're bossy." he said then we shared a long passionate kiss. I pulled away rather soon. "Ellie what's wrong?" Niall asks. You know what happened. I ran to the bathroom and threw up once more for the day. I began to cry. "Ellie? Why are you crying? You're just sick." "I don't know Niall, just go get dressed ok?" I did to know why I was crying. "I'm no leaving you here alone in the state you are in." "Niall I won't be alone. Bridgett is coming down, she will be here soon." "Fine, but we are going to the hospital tomorrow just to make sure nothing bad is going on." I nodded and laughed as Niall walked away becuase the back of his boxers said "Your Lucky Day". Niall got dressed and told me bye then left.

*About 2 hours later*

Knock Knock. I answered the door to see my cousin Bridgett standing there with a tub full of chocolate ice cream. "Ice cream?" I asked. "Yea, if something bad happened you're gonna need ice cream." "Not when I can't eat anything." "Then why am I here." "Just come on." I say letting her in the door and we say down on the couch. "What's wrong? You don't look to good." "I've been throwing up all day Bridg." "Wait, how long have you felt nauseous?" "Well I've felt bad the past couple says but didn't actually puke till this morning." "Have you and Niall? You know." I nodded my head yes. "When was the last time you had your period?" "Uh I don't know. Not recently." "Ok stay here I'll be back in ten minutes." She got up and left.

*10 minutes later*

Bridgett finally came back. "Here, go in the bathroom and pee on this." She handed me a box of pregnancy tests. "What?" I asked with shock. It's weird holding a box of pregnancy tests when you're only 19. "Just take one out and pee on it. You have very similar symptoms to a pregnant person El." "But what if I am?" "We can cross that bridge when we get there El." I nodded and walked to the bathroom and shut the door. What if I am? I can't do this. I just got a life. I just found the love of my life. I can't raise a baby in this kind of environment, the cameras, the people, no normality. God Elizabeth man up some, you're acting like a child. I got out a test, holding it in my hand made me a little dizzy just thinking about what I was doing. I just manned up and took it. Wait how long do I wait? FIVE FREAKING MINUTES!! That's too much anticipation for someone like me! I walked out of the bathroom and just sat on the couch. "Where's the test?" Bridg asked. I pointed to the bathroom and she walked in there. "How long do...." She began to say. "FIVE FREAKING MINUTES!!" I yelled. She didn't take that offensively, she just sat down beside me on the couch. We began to watch a movie and before I knew it, it had been half an hour. I had to force myself to get up and walk to the bathroom. I slowly walked into the room to see the test on the side of the sink. I walked over to it. "Bridg?" I yell. "Yea?" "I'm pregnant."

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