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                        Chapter 15

        Marsha pov

"Marsha someone is on the phone for you" Darry called out from the kitchen. 

I walked out of Twobits arms and to the phone. I said thanks to Darry and put the phone on my ear.

"Hello" I said into the phone.


"This is she"

"I'm sorry to inform you but your father is in the hospital. It seem like he has been drinking way to much alcohol than a ordinary human being can consume."

"So technically he got alcohol poisoning?"

"If you want to put it like that then yes, yes he did"

"um..ok. I'll be there" right when i said that the lady hung up. 

"Bye to you too" I muttered before I put the phone back.

I walked back into the living room and stood in front of Two.

"What's up, princess?"

"Can I borrow your car?"


"I need to go to the hospital"

"I'll go with you"

"No. You don't have to"

"I want to" He said standing up.


                As we arrived at the hospital I asked the front desk for him. They said that a doctor will be here any minute to talk to us. We sat down on the red chairs and waited. Two saw my uneasiness and grabbed my hand. I looked up at his face and saw a light smile on his face.

"It going to be ok" he said kissing my cheek

"Thanks" I said smiling at him

                In a few minutes the doctor came out and called my fathers name. We stood up in hand and hand and walk towards him.

"Ok so he is fine but I would love to keep him for the night." She said as I nodded my head "I would recommend he be put in a rehab center and take medicine for his.....addiction"

"Can I see him?"

"Room A2"

"Thank you" 

                We walked down the hall till we found the room. I quietly walked in and saw my dad laying on the bed. He's skin was paler, his eyes were duller, he had more wrinkles, and his hair was starting to turn gray. 

"Hi dad" I said hesitant

"Marsha is that you?"


"Oh come here, sweetheart"

             I walk forwards and almost instantly his arms wrapped around me tightly. I felt his shoulders shake lightly and felt my shoulder was warm and wet now. That's when I realized he was crying.

"Dad why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry. I never meant to cause you pain and do those thing to you. I was just miserable and depressed that your mother was gone. I know that you probably would forgive me and I understand. But I just want you to know that I'm sorry. I'm so,so,so sorry baby girl" He said as more tears fell from his eyes.

"Dad stop your making me cry" I said as tears welded up in my eye.

"I'm sorry"

"You've already said that" I said lightening the mood

"I really am"

"Dad, I don't forgive you, but that doesn't mean I wont forgive you later. Before we can do anything else you have to get better. You'll go to rehab and take your medication."

"Anything for my baby girl"

"Thanks daddy"

"I love you Marsh"

"I love you too dad"

Things are rough all overजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें