Chapter 4

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  Chapter 4

I woke up feeling sore. As soon as i sat up i felt pain everywhere. I  got up from my bed trying no to pay any attention to the pain. I walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a box of cereal and the milk. I grabbed a bowl and poured the milk and cereal in it. I walked around the island in the kitchen and sat down. I looked down and saw a note on the counter. 


I wont be home for a week princess. Try no to ruin anything or you know what will happen. See you soon!


Finally away from that monster and by my self. I have a whole week of not being abused  . This is like a dream come true.  A whole week of no worries, of being scared, of being upset, of feeling like I'm nothing. 


For the rest of the day I watched TV, sleep. eat, and that's about it. But i was getting tired of that. I didn't know what to do anymore. After a while i had enough of staying in the house. I put my flats on and went to take a walk. I didn't realized were i was going until i saw it. I walked a little farther until found what i was looking for.

"Hi mom. I know you're not expecting me but i didn't know what to do. Um well i miss and love you very much. I wish you where still here. You know its funny, i would picture you holding me in you're arms and called me you little girl. Or you tucking me to bed and saying good night. Or making dinner with you, or watching movies with you, or just having conversations with you. I miss your smile, your voice, your laugh, your hugs, your kisses, i miss you. I want you here when i go to prom, i want you to be here when i get married, i want you to be here when i have kids, i want you here with me now. Why did you have to go, why did you have to leave me? You know you're causing me and dad so much pain. Dad cant go a living moment with out beating me or using me for his needs. He isn't the same since when you left. You changed him by disappearing. Sometimes i wish it was me more then you. I wish everyday it was me. Cause if you where here dad would never be  cold-hearted and lonely. If you were here......" 

I couldn't go on anymore. The pain was to much. Everyday i wish i could see my mother's face one more time again. I want her to tell me she loves me and hug me and kiss me and never let me go. Is that to much to ask for?

Unfortunately it is.

"Well i love you mom. I really do" I said before turning away.

I wiped the tears off my face and walked back home. When i got home when went to our library and took out the photo albums. I looked threw all of them and all i could do was cry and wish for my mother to come back again. Things would've gone better if she was here. Everyone would be happy not upset. I just wish she was here with dad and I, I wish we was here for me.

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