Chatper 6

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                    Chapter 6

Marsha pov

We stopped in front of a small yellowish color house. It looked friendly and welcoming. We got out of the car and walked to the front door. I was somewhat struggling since Dallas didn't bother helping me. Once i got inside the house i dropped my bags on the floor and regain my breath. I looked around the house and it looked beautiful. Even though its a greasers house it was clean and homey. Dallas walked over to the kitchen and grabbed a beer. He offered me one but I objected.

"This house is beautiful is it yours?" I asked looking around.

"No" He said smoothly.

"What?!?! then who's house is this? Don't tell me you broke into this house?.......Did you?"

That's when he stared laughing. Why is he laughing? This is not a laughing matter this is serious.

"What's funny?"

He didn't answered.

"TELL ME GOD DAMMIT" I all but yelled stomping my foot on the ground and crossing my arms.

"calm down i didn't break into it babe. It's my friends house. He lives here with his two other brother's"

"Oh" I said thinking about what he said.

"so you want me to live with three boys?!" This is outrageous.

"you want a place to stay or not"

"fine....So where are they?"

"Darry is at work, so is Sodapop, and Ponyboy is hanging out with Johnny" He explained turning the TV on.

Why do those name sound so familiar? Oh right I totally forgot Ponyboy and Johnny go to my school. But what was his last name again?

"you want me to live with the Curtis brothers?"

"What other choice do you have babe?"

"none i guess......And don't call me that"

"Call you what?"

"Babe! i'm not and will never be your babe,so don't call me that"

"what ever you say babe"

"stop it"

"Stop what babe?"

"I'm not your babe"

"whatever you say babe"

"ugh shut up"

"i think I'm fine babe"

"i swear to god i will kill you"

"why babe?"

"Because you so freaking annoying and stop call me babe!"

"I'm not annoying babe'

I took the pillow from the couch and slammed it on his face. "Stop calling me babe, or i swear in ten seconds i will kill you and but you body in the trash can to decay"

"That's a little harsh......babe"

"oh god someone help me"

"and what is it you need help with?" A new voice said.

I looked up and saw a man in his twenties or so. He had light brownish hair and blue eyes. He was pretty tall and burly. He must be the oldest brother.

"Hey I'm Darry and you are?" He asked sticking out his hand.

"hi I'm Marsha, nice to meet you" I said gladly accepting his hand.

"um Darry can i talk to you for a second in private" Dallas said

"sure. Excuse us" Darry said looking at me.

I just nodded and sat back down on the couch. I watched Mickey Mouse that was currently on the TV. After a few minutes the boys walked in and looked my way.

"Well Marsha welcome to my house and you're welcome to stay as long as you want" Darry said

"you're not joking are you!?!?" He shook his head. "Don't you have to ask me any questions or think about this at all?" He shook his head again.

I was so happy I don't know what came over me. I ran over to him and hugged him. As soon as i realized what i was doing i backed up and looked at my shoes.

"Um sorry and thank you"

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