Chapter 12

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                                Chapter 12

Marsha pov

                I woke up wrapped in Twobits arms. I turned over to see him looking at me. A huge smile form on my face.

"How long were you up?" I asked

"Not to long."

"Can we just stay here forever?" I said moving closer to him.

"I wish but we're going on a date today" He said which made me open my eyes almost instantly.

"And when did I agree to this?"

" You didn't. But there's no need to. The date is already planed and done. unless you want me to go with someone else." A smirk playing on his lips.

The thought of him going on a date made my blood boil. I don't want him to kiss other girls, hug, flirt, or anything else. I want to be the girl he does those things to.

"I guess we're going on a date today"

"Great, but now lets just enjoy each others company and lay here till we have to get ready.

"I agree."


                        It was 5:15 p.m. I have exactly 3 hours to get ready and I have nothing to wear. I looked throw the closet witch had all my clothes. I wanted to wow Twobit. I blew my hair out of my face and fell on the bed. Their was a knock on the door and Sodapop piped his head in. 

"Whats wrong, sugarplum?"

"Sugarplum? Really?"

"Yep. Now tell me whats wrong"

"I have nothing to wear"

"Oh i see. Lets get you something to wear then"


"Yeah. Now come on before you're late for your date"


                I grabbed my jacket and follow Soda out. We got in Darry's truck and pulled out of the driveway. The radio was playing in the background while I started out the window tapping my fingers to the beat.

"Are we almost there yet?"

"Yeah" He said as he parked in the parking lot. 

                I unbuckled my seat belt and walked towards the store besides soda. We walked in and the bell on top rang. I looked around at all the clothing. It was totally the opposite from what I wear. I saw tight leather jeans, regular skinny jeans,short shorts, shorts, leather jackets, jean jackets, tight shirts, crop tops, tall heels, leather boots, and converse. My mouth literally dropped. I looked at Soda in disbelief. I ran to him and gave him a big hug.

"Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"

"Your welcome. Now lets find you something to wear before time runs out. "


                        2.5 hours later and I found my outfit. I was wearing  purple ambre shorts, a tight black shirt, and black converse. I curled my hair and put a little bit of make-up. I put on silver hoops and grabbed my jacket. I looked in the mirror, replying my lip gloss. I'm freaking out. What if Two doesn't like my new look? What if he backs out of the date? Am I even good enough for him? A knock on the door brought me back to reality.I opened the door and saw Sodapop. He looked me up and down and nodded in approval.

"Girl you look hot" 

"Thanks" I said laughing.

"Two said he will be here-" He was cut off by a knock on the door. "Right now" He left to get the door. 

                               I looked my self offer in the mirror again. You can do this. You are a sexy, confident, girl. A new girl.  I can get through this. So who care if he doesn't like me, his loss......Right?

"Marsha Twobit is here" Soda said breaking me out of my prep talk.

Well here goes nothing.

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