Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Randy drove me home in silence. He parked in my driveway and said goodbye. He was going to give me a kiss but with one swift move I said goodbye and walked to my front door. I unlocked the door and walked in. I ran up to my bedroom and went into my bathroom. I took a long shower to wash of the alcohol and other stuff off. I turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. I wrapped the long pink towel around my body and walked into my room. I looked in my drawer and took out my undergarments and sweats. I threw a  pink tank top over my head. I brushed my hair and then my teeth. I walked over to my bed and laid down. I was about to fall asleep until i heard my door creak. I was about to move my head to see who or what was there, until i felt something collide with my right cheek. I looked up and saw my father.

"Where the fuck were you last night?"

"i was at a party" I mumble barley audible.

"what was that"

"i was at a party" I yelled. Unfortunately that earned my another smack in the face.

"Don't yell at me you useless bitch" He said before punching my right eye. 

"I'm sorry. Please, please stop"

"how funny you think I'm gonna stop. Oh but honey i just started"

 He slapped me so hard it got me tumbling back. I extended my hand and grabbed the closes thing i had. I looked at it and it was a vase. I threw it at my dad but he moved and it hit my wall. Oh no I'm dead.  He came closer to me while i backed up. I got trapped in a corner with nothing to help me. He raised his fist and punched me in the stomach. I was gasping for air while my legs gave out. I fell on the floor trying to collect all the air i could possibility get.  He walked over to the door making me think he was done. He bent down and picked up the sharpest piece of the vase. He looked back at me with a grin on his face. He walked back to me and sliced my left cheek. He put the piece of the vase under my face and lightly on my neck. I looked at him with tears streaming down my face. I kept wishing and wishing he would just go away and leave me here alone.

"Remember princess this is only the beginning" He whispered to me before walking out of my room.

I stayed in the corner until i had full strength to get back on my feet. I walked out to my bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit. I opened it up and pulled out all the things i needed. I put rubbing alcohol on a cotton swap and rubbed it on my wound.  I then put a gel on it and then bandaged it up. I walked out of my bathroom and sat on the edge of my bed. I couldn't help but to think what would happen if i left. Would he come and find me or would i be safe? Could i make it on my own? Could i make it here? 

Those where the last thoughts before i feel into a deep sleep.

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