Chapter 5

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               Chapter 5

  Marsha pov

"Hey dad" I said over the phone.

"remember i'm coming home tomorrow" He said before hanging up his phone.

"Love you too" I said sarcastically putting the phone down.

Of course i don't want to be here when my dad get here, or anytime he's here. So how can i avoid see him. I can stay with Cherry till I'm 18. Nah her little brother creeps me out. I cant stay with Randy his mom hates me plus he gets drunk alot so that's not going to happen. I just done being a punching bag to everyone. I just want to go away. Wait that's it! I can run away! That's the best idea you've came up with, My conscience said.  I looked around my room until i found my suitcase. I grabbed it and started filling everything i needed. When i was done i ran downstairs with it and out the house. I don't know where i was heading but i didn't care at this moment. I just knew i need to get far away from that house as possible. I kept running until my body felt numb. When i stop i seem to be at a park. I walked over to a bench and sat down with my bag in front of me.

"Are you lost?" A rough manly voice came behind me. I looked back to see the one and only Dallas Winston.


"Are you lost?"

"No, why do you say that"

"Because you're in the wrong side of town. This is greasers territory, the Socs are on the other side."

"yeah i know"

"so why are you here" He asked pulling out  a cancer stick from his pocket.

I had to think about that question. Why was i here? I cant tell him what happens at home. So i had to come up with something fast. "um well I'm just moving." I said lamely

"You?!" He asked with a laugh "move to come over here" He finished.

"yes" I stated confidently.

"well then do you have a place to stay?"


"so where are you going to sleep"

I haven't even thought of that. Dammit i knew i forgot something. "I will figure it out later"

"How bout i find you a place to stay temporarily and you give me something in return"

"And what will i give you" I said curiously and nervously.

"100 bucks"

"What will you do with 100 bucks" I asked

"that for me to know and me only. Now are you going to take the offer of not?"

"I guess" I said. "only because i got no where else to go"

"Ok now the money"


"give me the money first and then i will take you to the house"

"ugh fine" I gave up. i went to my bag and grabbed my wallet. I took $100 dollars out and put it in his hand.

"Great now lets get going" He said walked away from me.

I grabbed my thing and started walking after him. What just happened? Most importantly i should be asking what the hell did i get my self into?!?

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